Mr. Thankachan.o On Phone To Airtel Data Card Delhi Service
In Airtel dongle even after I recharged not working. My mobile number Is 9818272678.
Mr. Shailesh On Phone To Airtel Data Card Delhi Service
My 3g dongle connected, but not work proper speed is so slow this problem created 24. 07. 2015 till date. So please do something.
Ms. Neha Chhetre On Phone To Airtel Data Card Delhi Service
No response from your Customer Service Executive. They only know to transfer the calls and give other waste number S.
Mr. Gangesh Kumar Jha On Phone To Airtel Data Card Delhi Service
Dear Sir This is to bring into your notice the unethical and unfair practice of the vendor. It is to be noted that more than rupees. 100 has been deduced mobile number 88266886000 (between 2p. M. To 2:40 a. M. On 12-03-2015 as informed by your representative when asked to explain the deduction. It is to be noted at the outset i have not used this number For data usage and i want explanation for this unsavory act. Please redress it urgently or be ready to face consumer court. The number Provided 9818334865 is not working. My e mail is
Mr. Rajesh Kumar On Phone To Airtel Data Card Delhi Service
My data card number 9810559813 is not connecting to my computer. We have done two time complaint but no response today again i had done complaint. Complaint number is 59609749. Kindly solve my complaint immediate my mobile number 9818803397.
Mr. sanjay On Phone To Airtel Data Card Delhi Service
Sir net very slow every time Plan 855 MY NAME - SANJAY JHA MOBILE Number is 9534350746 NET mobile number is 9934408589.
Ms. Richa Mishra On Phone To Airtel Data Card Delhi Service
recharged 2G data card on 12.10.2013.It worked only for 3days. Now I am not getting Internet. I can not browse any site.My Number is 9971820266. Kindly help. contact :
Mr. Ved Bhhardwaj On Phone To Airtel Data Card Delhi Service
I have rechargedd my Data Card number 8527966023 by rupees 455/- through paytm for six GB. Unfortunately since several months I am not getting six GB download capacity.
My contact number is 8744908444 and email ID is
Mr. Kishore On Phone To Airtel Data Card Delhi Service
Taken 2G data card on 31.07.2013.It worked only for 3days. Now I am not getting Internet. I can not browse any site.My Number is 9901260840. Kindly help.
Mr. surendra mishra On Phone To Airtel Data Card Delhi Service
I m surendra mishra from New Delhi.I have purchased Airtel 3G data card for Rs.1200 through a Airtel authorized Dealer on 17th July 2013 and the postpaid number for the 08800637600. From the begining there is a speed problem. I got only speed 40-50 kbps. 3-4 times I contact to customer care, but always they said that you will get call from our technical team and they solved the issue, but no one is came to me to resolved this issue. Last three days I am facing another problem that when I connect modem the popup open with connection failed. Again I called to customer care, but the respon
Mr. raj kumar On Phone To Airtel Data Card Delhi Service
my 3g data card connection is very slow so please net service fast Airtel SIM number 8527155433