HCL Me Tablet Noida Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of HCL Me Tablet Noida is 1860-1800-425 / +91 120 2526518/19, 2520977 .
HCL ME TABLET is the product of HCl Technologies Limited. HCL is the largest computer manufacturer in India. HCL is one of the most prominent IT and Technology Companies of India. HCL Notebooks are among some of the most well-known products. HCL Technologies Limited having its headquarters in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. HCL was founded in 1991 by Shiv Nadar, Chairman of the company. HCL Noida Technologies Limited is a worldwide IT administrations organization, the inception of which took place in the year headquartered in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.

About HCL ME Tablet Noida

HCL Noida Technologies Limited is one of the globally famous IT administrations corporation, with the nerve center in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. HCL Info-systems manufactures and sells a variety of HCL ME Tablets under the different models including HCL ME Tab Connect 3G 2.0, HCL ME Connect V3, HCL ME Champ, HCL ME Tablet SYNC 1.0, HCL ME Tablet Connect 2G 2.0, HCL ME Tablet Y1 etc. In addition to ME Tablets, HCL Infosystems is also offers a wide range of information technology products and services for homes and businesses. Its products Include desktops, home appliances, laptops, edutainment products, all-in-one PCs, computers, computer accessories and more. Noida is ranked in most prominent hub-centers of HCL offers best and finest business environment for multinationals and other low standard type companies.

How To Reach HCL ME Tablet Noida

There are various way of getting in touch with the officials of HCL ME Tablet Noida for instance email, fax, online portal, etc. by the help of which the interested customers may know what they are looking for as given below:

For any technical queries related to your HCL product, please contact through:
Call: 18601800425
SMS: 9911115555 in the form of TouchMachine Serial No.Your query
Email: hcltouch.reg@hcl.in

For desktop and Laptop Related Queries:

To know more about HCL’s Service capabilities please don’t hesitate to call 24*7 hotline on 1860-1800-425 or visit our service website http://www.hclsupportservice.in/abt-hcl-touch.htm

HCL Me Tablet Noida Address

The address of HCL Me Tablet Noida is HCL Touch HO, HCL Infosystems Ltd, D-233, Sector-63, Noida, India.

HCL Me Tablet Noida Email Address

The email address of HCL Me Tablet Noida is hcltouch.dtlt@hcl.com.

HCL Me Tablet Noida Website

The Website of HCL Me Tablet Noida is www.hclmetablet.com.

HCL Me Tablet Noida Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of HCL Me Tablet Noida is 1860-1800-425 / +91 120 2526518/19, 2520977 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of HCL Me Tablet Noida Service Center and HCL Me Tablet Noida customer care number is given below. The helpline of HCL Me Tablet Noida customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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HCL Me Tablet Noida Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Ds Lokhande CallsJul 07, 2016

Mr. Ds Lokhande On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
Ple provide your service center for Me tablet ahmdabad /mahesana gujrat.

Customer care male
Mr. Abdul Rafik Mondal CallsJun 17, 2016

Mr. Abdul Rafik Mondal On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
Setup for internet through data card. Tablet internet not working through data card.

Customer care male
Mr. Maana Singh CallsFeb 02, 2016

Mr. Maana Singh On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service

I have buy the calling tablet from you as per bill attached. The tablet currently not working properly since last three months. The cameras have failed and the outgoing voice have also not hear by calling to others. I have called to HCL customer care @ 18601800425 and they required Serial no of the tablet which have not found on tablet nor on bill. They suggest to find it on box, but till date we have misplaced box. So, you are requested to kindly provide the serial number is or provide the write way to exchange or repair the above table. Hope for your kind support. If you have any query in the regards, kindly contact undersigned. Regards

Maana Singh
Cell 08146625567.

HCL Me Tablet Noida Customer Service Care Phone Number 232425
Mr. Abid Majeed CallsJul 15, 2015

Mr. Abid Majeed On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
I am very dip rest after buying HCL Tablet, when we turn on the Tablet its Logo still Hang on for all the time., its can not operate due to hanging startup logo., Model (Me Tablet Y2) please help me to resolve this problem, .

Customer care male
Mr. Rajesh Kumar CallsMar 29, 2015

Mr. Rajesh Kumar On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
Network error unable to search network, 3g button in setting unable to move to on side.

Customer care male
Mr. Prameshwar Chaudhary CallsFeb 10, 2015

Mr. Prameshwar Chaudhary On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
I inform to you that my HCL tablet me has not worked properly. Their display also cracked so. Please give me the suggestion in which i mentioned it. I am from greater Noida alph 2. So please give me nearest address of customer care service.

Customer care male
Mr. Vipin Satya CallsJan 29, 2015

Mr. Vipin Satya On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
My tablet has stolen by someone else last night. So, please damaged the software of my tablet so that anyone could neither be used for wrong purpose. Also please blocked the Imei number and tracking my tablet. Imei Number is (911251100051587)S/N C12STD004606.

Customer care male
Mr. Dharmender Kumar CallsJan 13, 2015

Mr. Dharmender Kumar On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
Youtube is not working. The tab is not supporting Google play services. It is not supporting Google map too. Kindly help.

Customer care male
Mr. M Ayyadurai CallsJan 06, 2015

Mr. M Ayyadurai On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
HCL Me TAblet Power Charger failed. Submitted for repair on 9th of May 2014. Agency: SNK IT Solutions Pvt Ltd, Visakhapatnam. Job Sheet : 2187 Date : 12th of May 2014. Agency Changed Screen, put an old screen. Tablet returned only after two months, in July 2014. After one month again failed. Email given. No response till date. Request for Extending the Warranty and Repair again. The details of the HCL ME Tablet are as below:Serial number: 0813pcc2g2 dit 51739IMEI : 911317550517383.

Customer care male
Mr. Satyajit Prasad Prabhakar CallsDec 25, 2014

Mr. Satyajit Prasad Prabhakar On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
I have a HCL ME table i. E bought in 1. five years back in Kolkata with a warranty period, but after few month of usage the LCD of screen is Faded (no completely visible) not broken so i contacted the Shopkeeper and explain the problem, but he completely denied his responsibility and ask me to go to the HCL service center, but they people are also denied and stating that they cant Change the LCD because This is not covered during warranty period, but shopkeeper told me that LCD not covered if it is broken, but it is not broken so i would like to request kindly look into the matter and resolve the issue so i can use my Tablet and do faith in HCL Brand. Thanks and Regards, Satyajit Prasad PrabhakarCell 91-9903069499.

Customer care male
Mr. Bikash Prasad CallsDec 24, 2014

Mr. Bikash Prasad On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
Kept calling umpteen times form 9am to 10. 27am, but nobody picked up the phone. This is supposed to be a toll free number But had pay for the calls.

Customer care male
Mr. K N Kandpal CallsDec 12, 2014

Mr. K N Kandpal On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
Hcl me y2 tablet black serial number 354525044795142 purchased via flipcart and invoice of edge infotel pvt ltd on 16. 09.2014. Now tablet is not opened and display is not coming, presently tab switch off (automatically switch off ) Please look into the matter.

Customer care male
Mr. Pvdadhe CallsDec 07, 2014

Mr. Pvdadhe On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
How to connect my Me Tablet to 3G Dongle I am unable to connect my new tablet Me to three G Dongle.

Customer care male
Mr. Dadhe P.v. CallsDec 07, 2014

Mr. Dadhe P.v. On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
Respected sir
Yesterday i have purchase hcl me tablet but i cant open the screen lock me champ and parents. How can i open the on screen lock.

Customer care male
Mr. Ashok CallsDec 04, 2014

Mr. Ashok On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
I have purchased ME Y2 Tablet. Just in two month i facing problem of rebooting. When we turn on it. Its screen show only ME. Then it stop working with this logo. Kindly inform about your service center in Uttrakhand. Regards,

Ashok (9760028629).

Customer care male
Mr. Manoj Kumar Singh CallsNov 18, 2014

Mr. Manoj Kumar Singh On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
how much time required for my complaint in your moderation process. M. K. Singh.

Customer care male
Mr. Manoj Kumar Singh CallsNov 18, 2014

Mr. Manoj Kumar Singh On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
I purchase HCL Tablet me Y2 version approx 1. five year back and i using this tablet not more than 20 hours (approx), but many time i face difficulty regarding not open our me tablet and when start tablet then he show only ME tablet, but not open next to use it. Two times i send this tab to Gurgaon HCL center and they install software and charge Rs. 561 (including Taxes ), but after two days again same problem come then again i send HCL center Gurgaon and they say some motherboard replacement required of casting Rs. 7000. Please suggest me what i can do ? because if i spend 7000 for this tab for repairing no guarantee of proper work or not and in present time many gadgets are available in this cost with better features also. I loss our confidence over your product and if not give any solution by you i am unable to use product in future. Kind Regards,
M. K. Singh

Customer care male
Mr. Manoj Kumar Singh CallsNov 18, 2014

Mr. Manoj Kumar Singh On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
I purchase HCL Tablet me Y2 version approx 1. five year back and i using this tablet not more than 20 hours (approx), but many time i face difficulty regarding not open our me tablet and when start tablet then he show only ME tablet, but not open next to use it. Two times i send this tab to Gurgaon HCL center and they install software and charge Rs. 561 (including Taxes ), but after two days again same problem come then again i send HCL center Gurgaon and they say some motherboard replacement required of casting Rs. 7000. Please suggest me what i can do ? because if i spend 7000 for this tab for repairing no guarantee of proper work or not and in present time many gadgets are available in this cost with better features also. I loss our confidence over your product and if not give any solution by you i am unable to use product in future.

Customer care male
Mr. Rajeev Kumar Agarwal CallsNov 17, 2014

Mr. Rajeev Kumar Agarwal On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
sound of music not come from tab when we music play, but through ear phone we can hear

Customer care male
Mr. Dipankar Golui Says Feb 11, 2015

I have same problem, game, audio and video sound is not playing in speaker but ring-tone, notification tone is playing, how can solve it?.

Customer care female
Ms. Megha CallsNov 12, 2014

Ms. Megha On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
How to connect HCL ME u3 to dongle?
It does not have mobile connectivity option.

Customer care male
Mr. Madhu CallsNov 05, 2014

Mr. Madhu On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
I am using Me Connect v3 model. It is not supporting 3g services. How can i get 3g network. Please answer me.

Customer care male
Mr. Shailesh CallsNov 04, 2014

Mr. Shailesh On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
I have bought a me connector v3 in Bharian. I would use this in India and my tab is not accepting SIM. Please help me.

Customer care male
Mr. Jashir CallsOct 24, 2014

Mr. Jashir On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
I am using HCL Me tablet, but one day the touch screen has been broken. Now i want it. How can i repair this if you can please send me touch screen and i will pay the money. Model: connect3G 2.0 Power supply: DC 5V,2A Made in China Barcode: HCL S/N:0813YCC3G2EDT23371 IMEI 1: 911317500590845 IMEI 2: 911317500590852 SAR: 0.781W/Kg@1g(body) I bought this from Doha Qatar.

Customer care male
Mr. Ratanalu Mahesh Rao CallsOct 22, 2014

Mr. Ratanalu Mahesh Rao On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service

Customer care male
Mr. Ramnaresh CallsJun 27, 2014

Mr. Ramnaresh On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
Dear sir

I have hcl me laptop. I purchase in January 2014. Laptop problem in last 20 days. I call your services center and lock complaint, but not come any engineer,not response. So my business loss. My work problem. So please request urgently. And complaint no-8504618102

Laptop detail:-

Laptop hcl(me)-l1095


Invoice num-mb7548/2013-14

Name-dinesh Kumar

mobile number-07599133185.

Customer care male
Mr. ashu CallsOct 08, 2013

Mr. ashu On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
i have a hcl tablet me in this tablet some problem and no service center in my area .so please tell me about srvice center no or toll free number.my ID is ashukumar425@gmail.com,and my adders is bihar,darbhanga.pin 846004.
my mobile number 9122811616.
please contact me immedietly.

Customer care male
Mr. Nowshad CallsSep 19, 2013

Mr. Nowshad On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service

Please let me know if i can connect WImax USB to my HCL TAB connect 3g, to access internet. While connecting the USB, it doesn't work.


Customer care female
Ms. smriti thakur CallsAug 10, 2013

Ms. smriti thakur On Phone To HCL Me Tablet Noida Service
I have a problem in my hcl me u1.it doesn't work perfectly and autometically hang up.snd the internet maneger doesn't work..it shows setting process unfortunately stop.

Customer care user complaints