Reliance Data Card Mumbai customer care helpline number
09083334295 06203570035 09576585285
Helpline customer care 09083334295
Helpline customer care 06203570035
Helpline customer care 8456028351
Helpline customer care 7360849405.
Mr. Sumit Sharma On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
Hi Reliance Team
I am holding reliance 3G data card connection number 9375178927. Since last 15 days it is not working at all. Even you can not browse and speed of network is pathetic. I have called your customer service and understand there is no scope of improvement in speed in coming days due to conversion on 4G platform. Since change over from 3G to 4G cost money and I am not interested to spend further. I would like to understand will there is any possibility of improvement or else I go ahead with de-activation of my account. I can only wait till week end.
Mr. Mayank Dubey On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
Hi Team,
I have raised a request to close the Data Card No: 9022044636. Your representative suggested us that we can not close, but keep the card in Safety Mode for three months and later on it will closed automatically, for which you will not receive any bill in future. Later on i have paid the remaining balance amount. Now i have again received the bill amount RS. 504. I won't pay a single penny for that, and please close the card number is 9022044636 permanently. Please also find the last payment detailed attached herewith.
Mr. Santanu Bose On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
My data card number is 9390732467. It has not been working for last two weeks. When I tried to connect, it was said that remote computer does not respond. Hence I am very upset as I am not doing my job. Please do the needful as soon as possible.
Mr. S Roy On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
I am using your connection, broadband. I have shown my laptop to my IT guy also and he has confirmed that there's nothing wrong with the laptop. Now, coming to the problem - seeing any video/download/document. How - it hangs and unless until the cursor is kept moving it stays where it is I am really pissed off and wish a solution to the same. Please help. I am available at 9873908471.
Mr. Rahul Sachan On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
I have been continuously communicating regarding change of my plan for the data card number 7498745529 ie from 800 to 500, but still no body is responding, instead I am continuously receiving the bill.
Mr. Bhubneshwar Mistry On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
I have purchased Reliance data Pro3 on 25th of December 2014, but not able to install your data software and also Relaince employee fail solve about this issue so kindly suggest me what should i do. Kindly do the needful.
Mr. Chadger On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
My data card number is 09372275791. I am facing problem internet very slow.
Mr. Jayarajan K. Nair On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
We have to cancel Reliance Data Card number 9322704427 with immediate effect. We are not using this Card. Inform us what is the procedure for cancel this Data Card. Our Contact number 02243484242. Jayarajan KGokhale and Sathe.
Mr. Arun Jain On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
My data card number is not working even after payment from last two weeks. Data Card Number is 8080136031.
Mr. Velayudhan On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
Dear customer support,
I was using this data card with number 9321617243 for about two years. I am using zte ac2737. Last few months my internet connection using this set is too slow. I tried this at kerala and at bombay. It is too slow, that i can not surf and down load data.
Kindly advice, what could be the reason.
Ms. Shakunthala Devi On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
We are facing problem for prepaid start-up kit for gsm/3g no service message coming when i put the dongle.
Mr. Sajid Shaikh On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
This is to inform you that we have discontined our data card number 9320982723 against our work order number number 207352416 in the month of June by clearing all dues.
But still we are receiving the bills for this data card.Please stop sending the bills for this data card.
Appreciate your early action.
Sajid Shaik : 9870328804
Ms. Purna On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
I recharged my number for one GB data under rupees 123/
30 days plan. I got only 510 MB against above plan. Kindly do the needful.
Dt. of payment- 20/08/2013
Number- 7303274900
Ms. Gomathy On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
My mail ID is wrongly entered in your database due to i could not be able to received your bill. I 3-4 times called on this number 303355555 (customer care) and request to change my mail ID, but still it has not been changed. my bill cycle is eight to nine every month. And my number is 7303065750. my mail ID Plesae change to at the earliest and send me the bill and request you not to disconnect the service.
Mr. Swadesh Mathur On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
I face network problem with my Data Card (No. 7428153403) Net Connect+. Specially at my residence Pocket D, Dilshad Garden from last three months.I had a word with your Customer Care Executive many times, but I don’t find any result. Still I m facing this problem. If you people don’t have any solution of my problem, let me know I surrender it and switch to any other service provider.
Mr. sameer kubal On Phone To Reliance Data Card Mumbai Service
Despite of several complaints to customer care and appellate authority you are not able to resolve my network problem (8080759696). We are getting worst service. And there is casual reply by your executives. If your organization really want to resolve the problem please call on my alternate no 9967588538. Customer care is there to make people fool.