AmEx USA Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of AmEx USA is 888.391.9971 / 1800 208 1223 .
AmEx or American Express Company is a US based company which caters the financial needs of the customers. Headquartered in New York city, the multinational company serves the customers in 40 countries. The company is among the thirty divisions of Dow Jones Industrial Average. AmEx has started operations in 1850. The Company provides credit card, charge card and traveler's cheque. AmEx USA has number of co branded credit cards, which are divided into three categories; these are Airline, Hotel and Retailers. AmEx USA is 22nd leading brand throughout the world according to BusinessWeek and Interbrand. Moreover, the company has succeeded to cement a place in Fortune's list of most admired companies across the world. It handles around 24% of total credit card transactions in United States. The financial company provide different types of credit cards to customers that contains multiple features. Th cards allows customers to manage financial affairs during travelling.

Important Contacts Of AmEx USA

AmEx USA has devised different helpline channels to facilitate customers. The agency has established different contact for different services. To contact customer service of AmEx USA use following numbers:
  • American Express Platinum Credit Card: 1800 208 1223
  • American Express Gold Card: 1800 419 1120
  • American Express Platinum Travel Credit Card: 1800 419 2122
  • American Express PAYBACK Credit Card: 1800 419 0726
  • American Express MakeMyTrip Credit Card: 1800 419 0691

Career Opportunity With AmEx USA

AmEx USA is a performance driven financial undertaking, that provide ample job opportunities to dynamic and dedicated individuals. The company has well established recruitment rules that helps the financial undertaking to recruit best possible human resource. The company offers jobs at different positions and of different scales. To know the job offers of AmEx USA do follow the link:

Online Customer Support Of AmEx USA

AmEx USA assures all the possible customer support through both online and offline means. The agency allows customers to gather all information regarding services and cards. AmEx USA empower customer to ask queries and questions about various services. To avail online contacts of AmEx USA do visit the link:

AmEx USA Address

The address of AmEx USA is 3 World Financial Center, New York, NY 10285 United States Fax No: 888.391.9972.

AmEx USA Email Address

The email address of AmEx USA is

AmEx USA Website

The Website of AmEx USA is

AmEx USA Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of AmEx USA is 888.391.9971 / 1800 208 1223 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of AmEx USA Service Center and AmEx USA customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of AmEx USA customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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