BASE Belgium Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of BASE Belgium is 1999, 0486 19 1999, +32 86 19 1999 .
BASE is one of the quickest emerging Mobile operators in Belgium. The Company was initially known as KPN Group Belgium. It was the third leading mobile telecommunication company in the country. The Company covers approximately 98% of area and has approximately 26% share in telecommunication sector. BASE has opened headquarters in Brussels.

BASE Belgium Operations

BASE Belgium has started operations in 1999 as KPN Orange. The Company was formed by the combined efforts of KPN Mobile, Netherlands Company and Orange telcos, UK based company. After few years, it was rename to BASE and KPN Mobiles had wholly acquired the company. In 2007, The Company had come into the business of fixed line and broadband after purchasing Tele2 Belgium. BASE has established strong 2G network across the country and has been providing 3G HSDPA services since 2010. The Company has mainly two competitors in the market; Proximus and Mobistar.

BASE Belgium Network

BASE provides its solutions and services VIA means of 79 BASE shops and over 800 dealers, existing across the nation. The company provides Mobile Telephony, Mobile Internet, Fixed Internet, etc., services. It is best known for tariffs to all networks, transparency and customized services. The company also has operations in Germany. Its Network is used by many virtual networks like Simyo (KPN), Aldi Talk (Medion Mobile), NRJ Mobile (NRJ Radio), AY Yildiz, Mondial Telecom, Caleo Mobile, Ilyacom and Mobile Vikings.

BASE Germany

BASE has entered into the telecommunication industry of Germany in 2005. Its services are used by E-Plus, a local operator. E-Plus provides calling and messaging services through it. Moreover, BASE also provides Smart phones and tablet using a brand name of BASE Lutea.

Alternate Contact Information

Fax Number: 0800 20 487

BASE Belgium Address

The address of BASE Belgium is Neerveldstraat 105 rue Neerveld, Brussel 1200 Bruxelles.

BASE Belgium Email Address

The email address of BASE Belgium is

BASE Belgium Website

The Website of BASE Belgium is

BASE Belgium Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of BASE Belgium is 1999, 0486 19 1999, +32 86 19 1999 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of BASE Belgium Service Center and BASE Belgium customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of BASE Belgium customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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BASE Belgium Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Sunny Patel CallsAug 06, 2016

Mr. Sunny Patel On Phone To BASE Belgium Service
I want to return my iphone six silber. I have return slip also. So please suggest me best way to return it. Please try to understand. I am not able to pay both mobile instalment. If your company has office in germany, please let me know the address of that place. I will go there and return the mobile there. My address is:Patel sunny, 71522 Backnang, FabrikstraBe 5

Please reply me quickly on email or on my mobile:+49-15175187917 and suggest me best way to out of this problem. I tried to attach courier slip as well as return slip both. But i can not
Order number is " 41003693.

Customer care male
Mr. Emine Zengin CallsDec 05, 2015

Mr. Emine Zengin On Phone To BASE Belgium Service
Ik he mijn puk code nodig kunt you het voor mij door sure aub.

Customer care user complaints