BP Australia Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of BP Australia is 610 3 9268 4111 / 0414 629 190 / 03 9268 3951 .
BP is a British based multinational oil and gas company. It was founded in year 1909. The company controls from its headquarter in London, United Kingdom. It is one of the main petroleum providers in the world including major countries like Australia. The company provides products such as fuels of both automobiles and aircraft etc. Besides this, the company has also established service stations in all parts of world. The company has also sponsored different sporting events.

Corporate Office of BP Australia

In order to visit the corporate office of the BP Australia, the users can use the below mentioned address or call at the given number including as:
717 Bourke Street Docklands
VIC, 3008, Australia
Call: 610 3 9268 4111

Privacy Contacts of BP Australia

For the detailed info of the BP Australia and the privacy terms, the users can contact on the below mentioned address including as:
Email: privacyofficer@bp.com
Mail: BP Privacy Officer,
BP Australia Pty Ltd,
GPO Box 5222,
Melbourne VIC 3000

Australian Information Commissioner of BP Australia

In order to get connected with the commissioner of the BP Australia, the customers can visit the address or call at the given number including as:
Call: 1300 363 992
Email: enquiries@oaic.gov.au
GPO Box 5218
Sydney NSW 2001
ABN 85 249 230 937

Contact Persons of BP Australia

For the more details of the services and products of the BP Australia, the customers can contact the below offered staff members including as:
David Fettell (aviation lubricant technical sales manager):
Phone: 03 9268 4101
Email: david.fettell@bp.com
Fax: 03 9268 4478

Matt Smale – Victoria, South Australia & New South Wales
Mobile: 0414 629 190
Phone: 03 9268 3951
Email: matt.smale@bp.com
Fax: 03 9268 4478

Yale Knudson – Queensland
Mobile: 0487 888 029
Phone: 07 3364 7164
Email: yale.knudson@bp.com
Fax: 07 3364 7105

Conor Reid – Western Australia
Mobile: 0419 195 810
Phone: 08 9478 9897
Email: conor.reid@bp.com
Fax: 08 9478 9826

Andrew Munro – New Zealand (north)
Mobile: 021 951 872
Email: andrew.munro@se1.bp.com

Jack Robert – New Zealand (central & south)
Mobile: 021 951 872
Phone: +64 3 358 6901
Email: jack.robert@se1.bp.com
Fax: +64 3 358 6906

BP Australia Address

The address of BP Australia is 717 Bourke Street Docklands VIC, 3008, Australia.

BP Australia Email Address

The email address of BP Australia is matt.smale@bp.com.

BP Australia Website

The Website of BP Australia is www.bp.com.

BP Australia Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of BP Australia is 610 3 9268 4111 / 0414 629 190 / 03 9268 3951 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of BP Australia Service Center and BP Australia customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of BP Australia customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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BP Australia Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Meredith Jacobs-smith CallsMay 14, 2017

Ms. Meredith Jacobs-smith On Phone To BP Australia Service

I conveniently use the BP at Carlsruhe, Victoria. My complaint stems around the current workers. As I buy my wood there, I am shown no mercy when it comes to loading it into my car. Today, I was yelled at - Bring your car here. No, please, no I help you. Nothing. Just given the key to the wood container and your on your own. As a woman in her sixties I object to the discorteous and contempt I am shown. This is not the first time, these three workers have expresssed rudeness to me as a customer. They are unhelpful and inconsiderate of of other customers waiting at their counter. I in closing shall never use this outlet again, and will tell all my neighbours here in this area, of my plight. Thanking you for your time,
M. K. Jacobs.

Customer care male
Mr. Ziggy CallsMay 12, 2017

Mr. Ziggy On Phone To BP Australia Service
Dear Sir / Madam

I am a trucker and a frequent customer of BP Truck Stops. I wish to make complaint and hope things get remedied immediately please. In particular to one location not just I, but all truckers have come to same concerns. The facilities and services and foods are dropping in standards. This place is BP truck stop potts hill on rockwood rd. The showering facilities are very unhygienic not cleaned hairs and dust on top of everything. Cant believe it. The food is terrible uneatabled in some cases it's becoming a talk around trucking circles. There is lot to be said however we would like eatable food please and cleaner facilities. I am happy to discuss anything. Kind regards


Customer care male
Mr. Darrell Ward CallsSep 14, 2016

Mr. Darrell Ward On Phone To BP Australia Service
The new bp site at eastern creek is a joke for a road house for truckdrivers the food is disgusting ever thing is pre cooked and microwave waited 30mins for a meal only to find out that the order wasnt placed drivers are complaining about the food i will not be going back to this road house.

Customer care female
Ms. Anita Mardirossian CallsMay 17, 2016

Ms. Anita Mardirossian On Phone To BP Australia Service
Stopped with my seven year old to fill up at BP Express on Ourimbah rd Mosman on Monday 16th of May after school, and went in to pay and bought icecream as well, my son needed to go to bathroom, I asked him to wait till we get home, but he couldn't so asked the person at the cash register if my son could use the bathroom and was told "No, we do not have toilets". And then he proceeded to try to sell me two chocolates for price of oneReally?
I have never been to a service station without toilets, frankly I would never use it myself, but kids do get emergencies.

Customer care male
Mr. Tim Rigg CallsMay 04, 2016

Mr. Tim Rigg On Phone To BP Australia Service
Complaint posted as a review. As BP complaints website states that logging in will harm my compter. REALLY?

Please see review for BP Tally Ho site 5th May 2016. If yor staff stand the moral grond on smoking or jnk food. Why are they there. ?.

Customer care female
Ms. Sarah O'brien CallsMar 24, 2016

Ms. Sarah O'brien On Phone To BP Australia Service
Shocked at attitude of attendant on duty at Lorne, Vic on Thursday 24 March at 9pm. No customer skills whatsoever. Really stunned at his behaviour. Happy to provide more details if someone could contact me.

Customer care female
Ms. Sue Middleton CallsJan 12, 2016

I have just attempted to add a direct debit request form to my account. I supplied an ABN to the direct debit form. Our original account did not have an ABN form apparently. BP Australia could not therefore add the direct debit request, I had to open a new account and reapply from scratch. I closed the account today because the processes are ridiculous. If you can not add a direct debit request to an account which we use every month, pay every month and have had for years, then your business is bankrupt in process terms.

BP Australia Customer Service Care Phone Number 248889
Ms. Natalie Harben CallsDec 22, 2015

Ms. Natalie Harben On Phone To BP Australia Service
I went through Currambine BP car wash 21/12/15 at approx 2:45pm and after coming out I noticed scratches on my car. Not one to make complaints, I went home. Once there, I saw my car better in the sun and found more scratches on the roof and sides of my car. I contacted the BP station that I went to only to be told to call back or come in the next day to speak to the manager as he'd left for the day. I was told that the manager would be at work from 5:30pm on wards. Having planned my day around this, I went in just after 5:30pm today only to be told that the manager had actually worked that morning from 5:30am The person I dealt with seemed completely disinterested in my complaint and handed me a customer care card and only told me that it was a brand new car wash. I called customer care and spoke to an after hours person who took details of the incident and said I'll hear from someone next business day. Let's hope so and I hope it is handled properly and something is done about it.

Customer care male
Mr. Ivor Ward CallsAug 26, 2015

Mr. Ivor Ward On Phone To BP Australia Service
Hi you have a service station no 7007 at Smith-field - cairns no it has a 4000 coffee machine that the manager will no purchase beans for. Many of use early workers have been getting coffee her for years and now for nine days NO BEANS staff say machine is going just no beans. The management off this station has been pretty bad for months now and really dose need sorting out. In the mean time until something is done us early workers will go to shell station where they can afford to buy beans and we get coffee with a smilecheersIvor Ward .

Customer care female
Ms. Liz CallsMay 28, 2015

Ms. Liz On Phone To BP Australia Service
To Whom It May Concern, I filled up my car yesterday (27/05/2015) at BP Church St Richmond, Victoria, with regular unleaded. Since the fill, my car shakes when I am driving, esp. Between 1000 to 20000 rpm. I took it into my service centre on my way to work this morning and they took it for a test drive. They are of the opinion it's a 'rough' batch of petrol. Rather than paying to having it drained, I can continue to drive the car, but it struggles to run smoothly and shakes a lot and the oil light keeps flickering. The computer in the car has no idea what is going on. I figure there is no point in going back to the service station as the guy behind the cash register will be different and really wont be able to comment on this complaint. I have a receipt of proof of purchase. Please clean up your Dodgey fuel. I wont be going back to a BP again in the near future. Liz .

Customer care female
Ms. Samantha Wight CallsJan 28, 2015

Ms. Samantha Wight On Phone To BP Australia Service
Hello, Why is Colac Vic being charged nearly 10c more a liter for diesel and petrol ? Why is our regional town suffering more than all surrounding towns?The BP service station in West Colac is a RUN DOWN DISGRACE I feel more resentful toward BP that you overcharge us and then put NOTHING back into the service station to improve its dreadful appearance and facilities. A reply would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Customer care male
Mr. Bert Norrie CallsOct 12, 2014

Mr. Bert Norrie On Phone To BP Australia Service
Hi, Bp
This morning, I purchased 16l of Bp super, from your NSW Lake Cargelligo Petrol Station, in two rectangular measured fuel containers the first to fill a 10l filled to about 50mm below the 10l line so i added another l. This filled to about 25mm below the 10l mark, a total of 11l.
I then put 5l into the 5l container this filled to 20 mm below the 5l line.
These containers have been used many times with no problems.
a, very hot day.
b, pump gave short blast of gas prior to filling.
C, bowser probably not used for a long time.
(expensive fuel for this area)
d, probable pump malfunction or calibration error.
For me this is not a major problem. However, it warrants looking into. Could you please advise results of your investigation, if you believe they are necessary.
Many thanks
Bert Norrie.

Customer care user complaints