Boston Pizza Coquitlam Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Boston Pizza Coquitlam is +1-604-941-6414 .
Boston Pizza Coquitlam is one of the restaurants of Boston Pizza (BP) that operates a network of restaurants in Canada. It came into existence on 12th of August 1964 with the efforts of Gus Agioritis under the name Boston Pizza and Spaghetti House in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It is considered a family restaurant that serves customers of all ages and also known for the separate sports bar where it provides big screen TVs facility for the customers. The company is headquartered in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. It has around 347 stores in Canada and 38 stores in the United States and Mexico. The company also operated in the United States and Mexico with the name Boston's The Gourmet Pizza. In Canada, it serves more than 28 million guests yearly and the opening hours of Boston Pizza Coquitlam store is Sunday to Thursday from 11:00 AM to 1:00 AM and Friday to Saturday from 11:00 AM to 2:00 AM.


In 1968, Jim Treliving setup its first Boston Pizza restaurant in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada. George Melville also became partner with Jim Treliving for establishing the franchisee restaurants throughout the British Columbia. In 1990, the Boston Pizza Foundation created to raise funds for helping the needy people across the Canada. The 100th store of the company was founded in Cold Lake, Alberta on 24th of September 1996 and expands its operations in different countries.

Boston Pizza Menu

The restaurant chain offers over 100 items in the menu that are categorized under, Starters, Pizza, Pasta, Burgers and Sandwiches, Salads, Desserts and Beverages. Boston Pizza also provides Take-out and Delivery services for customers in some of its locations. It also provides separate food menu for the kids to enjoy meals such as, BP Mini Cheeseburgers, Bugs 'n' Cheese, Slurpin' Spaghetti, Pint-Sized Pizza, Grilled Cheese and many others. There are many fundraising programs introduced for supporting the students such as, School Earnback, Celebrity Server and Team Headquarters.

Boston Pizza Coquitlam Address

The address of Boston Pizza Coquitlam is 710-3025 Lougheed Highway, Coquitlam, British Columbia, V3B 1C6, Canada.

Boston Pizza Coquitlam Website

The Website of Boston Pizza Coquitlam is

Boston Pizza Coquitlam Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Boston Pizza Coquitlam is +1-604-941-6414 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Boston Pizza Coquitlam Service Center and Boston Pizza Coquitlam customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Boston Pizza Coquitlam customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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