Ms. Anjali Balachandran On Phone To Dhl New York Service
My name is anjali balachandran and i have sent one document to newyork through blue dart on the 23rd setember consignment number 4655042840
Addressed to mr. Sujit ivan balachandran,c/o suite bar, #994, amsterdam avenue, Newyork 10025
Mobile number is 917 716 9071 (and not 971 please)
Kindly deliver the document as soon as possible matter most urgent. Today is already the 7th October
Mobile 9700001569
So far the document is not delivered and the track says it is on hold for regulatory paper work which i do not understand and every time i call the courier customer care they say will be done today.
Let me again clear the doubts about the name,address, contact number of the.
Mr. Rajagopalan K On Phone To Dhl New York Service
Hi Team,
My name is Rajagopalan. I have been using your service since three years to send courier to US. I recently sent some sensitive docs by DHL to Capitol One Bank, New York. I sent the courier from Hyderabad, India on 29 th Sep, 2013 and I see that the tracking details show that it has reached New york on 2nd of October but it has not reached the destination. The tracking number is 4943169350.
This letter comtains sensitive documents and hence I request you to take immediate action to trace the same.
Rajagopalan Kalyanaraman
Mr. Rajagopalan K On Phone To Dhl New York Service
Hi Team,
My name is Rajagopalan. I have been using your service since three years to send courier to US. I recently sent some sensitive docs by DHL to Capitol One Bank, New York. I sent the courier from Hyderabad, India on 29 th Sep, 2013 and I see that the tracking details show that it has reached New york on 2nd of October, but it has not reached the destination. The tracking number is 4943169350.
This letter comtains sensitive documents and hence I request you to take immediate action to trace the same.
Rajagopalan Kalyanaraman