Ms. Debra Combs On Phone To Dollar General Contact Service
I visited your store in Hindman Ky. 41822 today, your employees were not wearing masks. The customers that I saw were wearing them, but not the workers. I am not wanting to cause anyone trouble, but I know the governor made this mandatory for businesses. I hope that the person in charge will take care of this. Sincerely,
Debra Combs .
Mr. Shane Hokanson On Phone To Dollar General Contact Service
I have spent many $$ at your stoe in Valley City, North Dakota, )58072) for two years now. Paper products to medicines to crayons for the grandkids and spices and crackers, cookies, soaps / cleaners. Yesterday I webt to the store, but there were at least six signs on the front door that said "masks required". I am NOT from Red Chiba abd I will NOT be treated like a disease carrying criminal. I got back in my Pick-up and drove to the Family Dollar store on Main Street here and did my shopping - no masks required. Spent nearly $38. Then I went to to the "Leever's foods grocery store )no masks required) and bought about $58 worth of food items. I got what I wanted from sane merchants, but you: Dollar General got ZERO $ from me. I hope you go out of business Mr. Shane Hokanson, Valley City, North Dakota, 58072.
Ms. Doris Zuniga On Phone To Dollar General Contact Service
I want to take a minute to sincerely say "Thank's to all" Dollar General employees, especially those at Talisheek, Louisiana store, for taking care of this community during this pandemic and always. The employees at this particular location treat us with kindness, they're knowledgeable re:their products, and during this time the employees are in compliance with masking and have posted mandates in front of store. The shelves are well stocked. This location in Tallisheek, La. Deserves recognition from Dollar General "higher ups".
Ms. Christene Harris On Phone To Dollar General Contact Service
A manager named Tim at dollar General in Flatwoods Kentucky refuses to wear his face mask even though it's a state mandate. He keeps it around his neck. He was checking me out in a busy store touching every item I bought.
Ms. Holly Jo Upton On Phone To Dollar General Contact Service
I was in Dollar General in Momence, Il this morning between 11:00-11:30 a. M. Most of the staff and all of the customers were wearing mask except one male staff member. I was very offended due to the fact that everyone is following the rules to save our own life and then the life of others. Please enforce this rule so that we can that we can get pass this pandemic the we are facing. I am a regular customer in this store about four times a week.
Mr. Douglas Livengood On Phone To Dollar General Contact Service
You people just opened a store in mt carroll Illinois. My wife and I visited today' we were very disappointed that no employees and a very few customers had face coverings on. The gal at the checkout told us that it was only suggested and not required. That's not quite true. Have researched a great deal and the requirement to wear mask in public in Illinois is still required be kind wear a face mask. Thank you.
Ms. Norma Phillips On Phone To Dollar General Contact Service
On Saturday 13 June 2020 I visited the Dollar General as I normally do. While shopping I began to hear two males cursing loudly in the next aisle and was totally upset by the words they were using F*** those customers and using G** D*** frequently and really saying those things loud enough other customers also made comments that they too were offended. Looking into the aisle where this was coming from there were two young males to who were identified as the store manager and his partner. The red headed lady that was the cashier told me this was the store manager and tried apologizing for such behavior which once done what good would it be for her to apologize the damage was done. Myself and three other customers left the store highly upset that this was allowed to occur in an environment that the public frequents and does not approve of or expect to be subjected to. I am confident that your company does not and will not allow this type of customer service to continue at your stores.
Ms. Marlin Carr On Phone To Dollar General Contact Service
I love the Dollar General Store in Goshen Ar. My complaint has a quick solution. Have your employees wear a mask and keep sanitizer at the entrance to sanitize your cart. I wear a mask to protect other people and expect other people to do the same. If employees wore a mask it might set an example for customers to do the same.
Ms. Alice Thornton On Phone To Dollar General Contact Service
I live in Huntington, WV and twice now I have not been given my $5. 00 discount without speaking up and showing proof that I have the coupon; whenever I input my phone it says "no coupons" I would like for someone to check the discount machine as I clip coupons on the internet yet they do not show up when checking out. The store is 01980 at 831 14th street, in Huntington, WV. Thanks.
Mr. Anonymous On Phone To Dollar General Contact Service
You had a manager in your store in Renville MN who was picked up for speeding found to be unfit to drive he was charged with DUI. He was then demoted and someone else in that store promoted. Because he spent his salary on booze and weed before and during that time, he was and is behind on his rent by 3-4 months never brought food home for his family and never paid for his utilities for so long the trash and recycle didn't get collected so it mounted up in his garage. His girlfriend of 19 years finally took their two kids and moved out having had enough and in no time at all his new girlfriend of some time, same person who took over as store manager when he was demoted, moved in with him. Now a report against him with CPS in regard to things his daughter says he did. What she said made her teacher cry. I do not think a company like yours would hire someone like this knowingly, I know I wouldn't want him (or her) working in my store.
Mr. Customer 7500 On Phone To Dollar General Contact Service
Morton store problem Diane I believe her name is. Her customer service skills are disgraceful. She Lacks tact I refuse to shop there when she is working. I have no problem with any other customer care executives, that represent the store.