Don Jail Toronto Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Don Jail Toronto is +1-416-274-4126 .
The Don Jail is also known by “The Toronto Jail” or "The Don" serves as a jail for the persons who have been arrested in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It was opened in the year of 1858 and is situated in Riverdale on Gerrard Street East. It was considered as the leading Jail in the treatment of the Criminals. The cells of the Jail are of 36 inches wide and 8 feet long and were managed by Ministry of community Safety and Correctional Services. During its construction, it had the capacity of only 276 prisoners which is increased to 550 now. However, it was closed on 31 December, 2013 and the land is owned by Bridgepoint active health.

Don Jail Toronto Address

The address of Don Jail Toronto is 550 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, Ontario M4M 1X7, Canada.

Don Jail Toronto Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Don Jail Toronto is +1-416-274-4126 (Click phone number to call).

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