Government Polytechnic Narnaul Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Government Polytechnic Narnaul is 01282250302 .

Government Polytechnic - Narnaul was started in July 1992 with World Bank assistance in an industrially backward area of Haryana with a motive to meet the manpower around NCR and Provide job to the unemployed youth. There was no Government/private Polytechnic to cater the needs of this area. Initially in Government Polytechnic - Narnaul two courses were started in 1992. This area is rich in minerals so Metallurgy was taken as a specialization. But later on specialization in Metallurgy was abolished as it reduced the employment opportunities of Mechanical Engineering due to lack of mineral based industries and capture of industrial market by Automobile Industries.

A community development centre sponsored by the ministry of human resources development Govt. of India is running in Government Polytechnic - Narnaul to cater to the technical needs of the rural populace. CDC is engaged in the Technical man power development, transfer of technology and providing Technical services in the villages. In addition about 300 Boys I Girls are presently undergoing training in various trades in six extension centers.College provides Diploma program to the college students.

Government Polytechnic - Narnaul is located at Narnaul, Mahendergarh, Haryana. Government Polytechnic - Narnaul has well equipped learning resources utilization centre with conference room, Media centre, CTV, VCR, OHP, Punching, Binding, Lamination MIC Photocopy etc. The media centre has facilities for making slides with computer using PowerPoint. Students are imparted training by using transparencies on various subjects. Technical Video tapes are shown to students. Teacher with the help of students prepare charts Graphs and other related aids for use in class I lab.

Government Polytechnic - Narnaul provide sports facility. The sports and athletics have been assigned an important place of in the life of this institute. Sports activities are supervised by the sports President. Government Polytechnic - Narnaul entered teams in almost all the games in Inter polytechnic tournament and achieved considerable success.

The student flint committee and the student welfare council are the pivotal representative bodies of the students in Government Polytechnic - Narnaul. This body contains representative of brilliant students of different classes and representative from sports, Hostel, Literary and Academic clubs. Staff members are attached as advisors to these bodies. These bodies hold regular meetings and deliberate upon various welfare measures for the student and make necessary recommendations to the principal. Government Polytechnic - Narnaul also provides opportunities for the expression and development of artistic talents through etc. curricular clubs.

Government Polytechnic Narnaul Address

The address of Government Polytechnic Narnaul is Narnaul, Mahendergarh, Haryana.

Government Polytechnic Narnaul Email Address

The email address of Government Polytechnic Narnaul is

Government Polytechnic Narnaul Website

The Website of Government Polytechnic Narnaul is

Government Polytechnic Narnaul Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Government Polytechnic Narnaul is 01282250302 (Click phone number to call).

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