Income Support London Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Income Support London is +44 843 116 0016 .
The Income Support Office is the office that provides financial assistance to the needy and to the people who are unemployed. It provides temporary assistance to the people whose income is less or has no income. The assistance is also provided to the people who work for less than 16 hours in a week. The different types of Benefits provided to the claimants are council tax benefit, Housing benefits, child tax benefits and compensation in terms of health costs. The person is eligible to receive benefits in terms of Personal allowance, i.e. basic payment and premiums, i.e extra payments. The claim for the benefits can be made through phone calls or through post. The individual has to meet certain eligibility requirements to claim income support benefits such as the Age of the individual must lie between 16 and the pension age determined by the state, the individual must be the permanent resident of England, Wales or Scotland, the individual is a carer or a pregnant women, the individual is not able to work Due to sickness or disability factor. The income support benefits are not provided if the savings are over £16,000, Employment Support Allowance and Job Allowance is already provided, the individual enters United Kingdom in the wrong manner and if the care of the individual is taken by the local authority. The financial assistance is provided to the people through the 'Department for Work and Pensions'.

Income Support London Address

The address of Income Support London is Caxton House, Tothill Street, London SW1H 9NA, United Kingdom.

Income Support London Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Income Support London is +44 843 116 0016 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Income Support London Service Center and Income Support London customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Income Support London customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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