L and T Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of L and T is 1800 2094545 .
L&T stands for the Larsen and Toubro which was developed in 1938 by the two top engineers of that named as Søren Kristian Toubro and Henning Holck-Larsen. Larsen and Toubro company is a leading company of the building materials and equipments. Larsen and Toubro company in the year of 1939 was banned for its importation because of the World War Second. Larsen and Toubro company started their own shop in order to continue their work. In 1940, Larsen and Toubro company launched their new company by the name of Hilda Limited after getting the golden offer by Germany to repair their destroyed ships for the war of Denmark. Larsen and Toubro company was collaborated with the ECC a leading corporation for the buildings in 1944. Larsen and Toubro company started to provide soaps, detergents, soda, etc to the Britishers during 1945.

In 1946, Larsen and Toubro company was registered for trading. Larsen and Toubro company launched their branch offices in New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkatta. Larsen and Toubro company in 1950 was announced as a trading company in the huge markets of India. Larsen and Toubro company launched their UTMAL services in 1960. In 1961 Larsen and Toubro company represent their Audco India Ltd and after two years in 1963, TENGEL was launched. Larsen and Toubro company is honored by the number of awards which includes Rajiv Gandhi Awards, Peacock Quality Awards, Powerful Equipments Award, etc. Larsen and Toubro company employed almost more than 54061 employees in which 2643 are women.

Products Of Larsen and Toubro company

The products provided by the Larsen and Toubro company includes bricks, stones, iron, cement, wood, dozers, dump trucks, tippers, power sources, metallurgical materials,excavators, etc.

Social media website links of Larsen and Toubro

Larsen and Toubro on Facebook

Larsen and Toubro on LinkedIn

L and T Address

The address of L and T is Larsen & Toubro Limited L&T House, Ballard Estate P. O. Box: 278, Mumbai 400 001, India.

L and T Email Address

The email address of L and T is igrc@larsentoubro.com.

L and T Website

The Website of L and T is www.larsentoubro.com.

L and T contact person

The contact person of L and T is K. Venkataramanan.

L and T Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of L and T is 1800 2094545 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of L and T Service Center and L and T customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of L and T customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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