Maharaja College of Management Udaipur Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Maharaja College of Management Udaipur is 9414064415 02942491531,02942491532 .

Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur was established in the year 2004 under the aegis of the Foundation. Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur is approved by AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education), New Delhi. The present day competitive environment has its genesis in the economic reforms initiated by Dr. Manmohan Singh in 1991. The complexity of world economy has thrown serious challenges before the global business world entities. The winds of business seems to shift with ever increasing speed. Past becomes prologue is admittedly better than no reference at all. To withstand such challenges we need to have deep rooted knowledge, belief in oneself & courage to face adversity. We are on a constant splurge to excel in knowledge, skills, creativity & values. Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur is promoted by Royal's Educational Society (Regd.) which is a philanthropic body consisting of eminent professionals in the sphere of management education.

Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur Core Philosophy is rooted in the belief that, knowledge beyond education must point the way to self-fulfillment through the development of the entire personality. By optimizing their potential and providing them direction through a cohesive training program, Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur team will empower each student to successfully confront and overcome the formidable competition that awaits them in the global market place. Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur is centrally located on a lush green Maharaja Educational Campus, Debari, Udaipur enjoying the vicinity of "City of Lakes"-Udaipur in the state of Rajasthan.

Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur is having air-conditioned new style library, which is well stocked with thousand of books on various management areas and also with many national and international magazines and journals. The library is equipped with a computerized catalogue system, which facilitates online reference for the student and faculty. There is a separate section for reference books and reading hall where student can study and prepare the notes. Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur is having a state-of-art, fully air conditioned 120 modern P4 Computer Lab. The entire lab is wired through a high speed Intel managed switch system having nodes, to ensure the speed integrity of the LAN. Everyone in the lab has access to the internet, online laser printing and scanning with heavy-duty HP 6L series network printers. Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur is having spacious lecture theater which are conducive to a perfect study environment. Latest modern visual technology such as overhead and multimedia projectors are used to aid the teaching process.

Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur provides separate Boys (75 seats) & Girls (30 seats) hostels with double & triple seated rooms with all modern amenities. Good quality fast food canteen facility available during college hours. Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur is extending canteen facility in the campus itself from the beginning. Delicious dishes are served in the canteen which includes snacks, soft drinks, meals etc. The items are given at subsidized rate to the Staff and Student community of Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur . A canteen committee, appointed by the Principal, is monitoring the regular activities of the canteen. GAMES & SPORTS Education in its broad sense means development of overall lifelong personality of an individual. The practice of Physical Education & Sports is a fundamental right for all (UNESCO). The department preserves & develops physical, intellectual, moral power of the human being and quality of life at national and quality of life at international level. Students & staff member enjoy excellent and one of the best spots facilities available in the country.

Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur provides college bus facility for students, which covers all the corners of the city having four routes. The college intends to extend this facility for students to various other parts of the district. The College has a Seperate Board Room to give the students a feel of real corporate environment while at campus interviews. Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur has a separate Training and Placement cell which maintains liaison with the industries and invites them for campus interviews. In each semester, Training and Placement cell invites business professionals to discuss how students can be groomed for the ever changing work environment. The students also receive counseling about job search strategies, interview skills and resume writing technique and are given an opportunity to actively participate in projects designed to facilitate interaction between students and professionals.Maharaja College of Management - MCM Udaipur offers provides Master of Business Administration.

Maharaja College of Management Udaipur Address

The address of Maharaja College of Management Udaipur is Debari, Udaipur, Rajasthan.

Maharaja College of Management Udaipur Email Address

The email address of Maharaja College of Management Udaipur is

Maharaja College of Management Udaipur Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Maharaja College of Management Udaipur is 9414064415 02942491531,02942491532 (Click phone number to call).

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