Makita Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Makita is +1-714-522-8088 .
Makita is a renowned brand of manufacturing company of power tools operates as Makita USA, Inc. The company started its business journey on 21st of March 1915 as Makita Electric Works, Ltd and in 1991, it renamed as Makita Corporation. Its headquarters is located in Anjo, Japan. The company specializes in manufacturing of high-powered generators which are known for their extreme quality, effective working and reliability. It is listed on Tokyo and Nagoya stock exchanges.

Business Activities of Makita

The company produces high quality of electric power tools, garden tools, stationary woodworking machines, air tools, household tools, parts and accessories. Makita USA, Inc., manufacturing facilities located in Brazil, Mexico, Canada, China, Japan, the United Kingdom, Romania, and the United States. The company operates in more than 40 countries across the world with its subsidiaries.

Makita Social Media Profiles:

The company has presence on several social media profiles such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and You Tube. Customer can follow or subscribe to Makita USA, Inc., on social media profiles and get latest updates, news, information, etc.

Facebook Page of Makita:

Twitter Account of Makita:

You Tube Channel of Makita:

Instagram Link of Makita:

Head Office Location of Makita:

14930 Northam Street, La Mirada, California 90638, United States.
The company operates its all functions and operations from its administrative office situated at above given address.
Telephone Contact Number of Makita Headquarters:

Customer Service Contact Number of Makita:

For general inquiries, information, order, delivery status, shipping, products, parts, accessories, technical assistance and other query or assistance, one can contact to customer service associates at above given number. Customer service representatives of Makita USA, Inc., are available from Monday through Friday: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm and closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Online Services of Makita:
In order to stores, Makita USA, Inc., also provides various facilities from its official website through which customers can make purchases online, make payments, explore products and services

Makita Address

The address of Makita is 14930 Northam Street, La Mirada, CA 90638, United States.

Makita Website

The Website of Makita is

Makita Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Makita is +1-714-522-8088 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Makita Service Center and Makita customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Makita customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Makita Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Neeta CallsMay 24, 2017

We have a Makta machin with model number Makita EK7661H whic has to be repair.

Customer care male
Mr. Larry CallsAug 06, 2017

Mr. Larry On Phone To Makita Service
Could make contacting customer service a little easier.

Customer care user complaints