Mr. Shahadat Khan On Phone To Mississauga Parking Enforcement Service
My cell No. Is 416 832 9550. I am writing a complaint against illegal parking of some cars in front of house at 1393 Astrella Cresc. Miss. On. L5M 4Z8. For the last 7/8 days I have been observing that a car bearing Plate No. CEAX 113 is parking on the road side )Astrella Cresc) continuously thrrough out the day and night. The owner moves the car a little bit in the day time, but from ten pm through out the night the car is parked on the road continuously. You will not miss if you patrol after two am. I am almost sure that the snow plowers may not be able to clean snow if this car parked this way. Properly. Hence, I am requesting you to kindly take necessay action against this illegal parking. Regards,
S. Khan
Pn. : if you need pictures of this car parked in the night time I have photos in my security camera. I can give you as many pictures you want for the last seven nights.
Mr. Khan On Phone To Mississauga Parking Enforcement Service
Hello. For the last five days we have been observing that a car )Plate No. CEAX 113) is parked on the road side of Astrella crescent, Mississauga, Britannia and Creditview area. It keeps on parking more than 18 hours per day contiously. We request you to kindly remove this car otherwise the snow plower truck will face huge problem to clear the snow. Also in day time we observed some cars park around this street continuously more than 4/5 hours. For security reason keep my name confidential.
Mr. Davin On Phone To Mississauga Parking Enforcement Service
I live at 3251 redpath Circle L5n8r3. We have very narrow streets and all are marked with firer rout. We have ample visitor parking, but the people living across from us at 3254 are always parking in front of our drive way and making it hard to navigate into our drive way and the street clearly marked with no parking sighs. I tried talking to them, but they do not care and keep parking illegally. I think that if they get a couple of tickets the will start to follow the rule of the complex. Please help.