Ms. Jennifer Dewey On Phone To Ryanair Spain Contact Service
I cannot get through on any numbers or customer messaging. How can I change my flight? So upsetting 00197051900021.
Mr. Juan Diez Medrano On Phone To Ryanair Spain Contact Service
Your decision to cancel the October 15th flight Berlin-Barcelona (evening flight) has forced me to change plans and book the flight that starts at 6:20 in the morning. What this means is 1) that I will have to leave the hotel at about 3:30 in the morning, not getting any sleep, 2) that I will have to pay a taxi to the airport (it's sunday), and 3) that I will not get a full day in Berlin as I had planned since March. I will never fly Ryan Air again and I will explore ways to get compensation for this.
Ms. Patricia Appiadu On Phone To Ryanair Spain Contact Service
Please I make a complain about my push chair and am waiting for a response. It happened in Santander on the 22 of December till date I have not heard any response please do well to give me a feed back.
Mr. Abraham Serfaty On Phone To Ryanair Spain Contact Service
I am trying to book a flight I selected on your website. I get the page with the details of my flight, but the commend continue does not lead me anywhere. I tried to contact your contact you chat services, but the best I could, is her recommendation to call you on the phone.