University of Regina Contact Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of University of Regina Contact is +1-306-585-4111 / 306-585-4591 .
The University of Regina is a leading research university which was set up in the year of 1911 under the name of “Regina College” thereafter the name was changed to the University of Saskatchewan Regina Campus in 1961. It is situated in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. In 1974, the University was re-introduced with its current name. It offers a wide range of education programs in various trades such as accounting, actuarial science, adult education and training, health studies, engineering, computer science, Justice studies and many more. In addition to this, it also provides various sports activities like basketball, volleyball, soccers and others. The University of Regina is a type of public university that has the motto - “As one who serves”. It is affiliated to CUP, CBIE, UACC, CIS, AUFC, CARL, CWUAA, CBIE and CUSID.

Key Contacts Of University of Regina

University of Regina has well devised information center that provide all the needed information to students and parents. In order to connect with University of Regina do use below mentioned contacts:
  • Main switchboard: 306-585-4111
  • Campus Security: 306-585-4999
  • Health & Safety: 306-585-4776
  • Admission: 306-585-4591
  • International Students: 1-855-683-2181

Specifications Of University of Regina

University of Regina is a prime education institute of Canada that offers education to students without any bias of cast, creed and religion. The institute offers various undergraduate and graduate courses to domestic and international students. University of Regina also organize all the co-curricular activities that includes sports and games. The school also organize debates, dance and music events. The university also offers special counselling sessions to students that aids to resolve personal and academic conflicts.

University of Regina Contact Address

The address of University of Regina Contact is 3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0A2, Canada.

University of Regina Contact Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of University of Regina Contact is +1-306-585-4111 / 306-585-4591 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of University of Regina Contact Service Center and University of Regina Contact customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of University of Regina Contact customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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