Acacia Hotel Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Acacia Hotel is +910832 671 4777 .
Acacia Hotel is a four-star Luxury hotel located in Candolim, Goa, India. The hotel is located very close to the beach and the famous Fort Aguada is located at a distance of three kilometers away from the hotel. The hotel has three floors with fifty-four modern and air-conditioned rooms and suites and the room facilities include flat screen cable Television, Complimentary wireless Internet access, safety deposit box, Coffee and tea maker, Minibar, Balcony, private bathrooms equipped with shower and complimentary toiletries and climate control. The amenities and facilities provided by the hotel include three restaurants, Lounge Bar, Outdoor Swimming pool, spa and wellness center, tour desk, sunken bar, fitness center, rooftop restaurant, Laundry service and Complimentary breakfast.

Acacia Hotel Address

The address of Acacia Hotel is 586/ A, Fort Aguada Road, Sequeira vaddo, Candolim Bus Stop Junction, Village Candolim, Candolim, Goa 403515, India.

Acacia Hotel Email Address

The email address of Acacia Hotel is

Acacia Hotel Website

The Website of Acacia Hotel is

Acacia Hotel Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Acacia Hotel is +910832 671 4777 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Acacia Hotel Service Center and Acacia Hotel customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Acacia Hotel customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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