Akai Chennai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Akai Chennai is 044-28520979, 9840396962 .
Akai Sales Private Limited operating under the brand name “Akai” is a consumer electronics manufacturing organization based in Japan. The organization was established in the year 1929 under the title of Akai Electric Company Limited through the combined efforts of "Masukichi Akai" and his son, "Saburo Akai" in Tokyo in Japan. It is one of the renowned brand of consumer electronics and offered video recorders, tuners, video cassette recorders (VCR), amplifiers, receivers, turntables, loudspeakers, and audio cassette decks, at its beginning stage.

With the progression of time, the organization expanded its network of operations and offers an immeasurable range of digital, video, audio, mobile sound, television and home appliances including Home Theater Systems, Amplifiers, Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) Receivers, AV Receivers, Air Conditioners, Ice Makers, Wireless Surround Sound Systems, Liquid-Crystal Display (LCD) televisions, Stereo Rack Systems, and many more. Akai Sales Private Limited additionally offers a wide array of Professional products for example, Synthesizers, Audio Samplers, iPod and Ipad Keyboard Controllers, Standalone Multi-track Audio Recorders, Computer Audio Interfaces, Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) Sequencers, Studio Monitor Speakers, and many more.

The organization operates numerous manufacturing and development units equipped with modern equipments around the world. Akai Electric Company Limited is engaged in the marketing of various re-branded video products manufactured by “Samsung” an international electronics organization based in South Korea. Akai Electric Company Limited is owned and operated by “Grande Holdings Limited” a Chinese consumer and professional audio and HiFi components manufacturing organization since 1999.

In addition to the manufacturing and development units, the organization operates a global network of service centers to provide an assured standard of after sale and repairing services of the various products under the brand “Akai” that are under and out of warranty period. The service centers of the Akai Electric Company Limited additionally offers genuine and original replacement parts at nominal prices to facilitate its customers.

The organization has hired numerous well trained and professional employees qualified representatives and engineers in Research and Development (R and D) to offer Quality home entertainment products specializing in the areas of audio and video for customer's satisfaction. satisfaction. Akai Electric Company Limited additionally operates numerous retail locations and independent locations around the Globe by means of licensing, franchise, and cooperation agreements to cater to the home appliances, digital and telecommunication needs of a large number of residential and business customers. The organization is committed to provide the highest standard of customer services. The company owns its headquarters in Singapore in Southeast Asia.

The company operates numerous retail locations and independent locations by means of franchise, licensing, and cooperation agreements to serve millions of residential and business customers around the world with its vast range of digital, telecommunication and home appliances. Akai Sales Private Limited is being operated from its headquarters located in Singapore in Southeast Asia. Akai Professional is the subsidiary of the organization. According to the organizational claims, it had an annual sales of more than 5.2 billion U.S. Dollar's. Hours of operation of Akai service center: Monday to Saturday 9 AM – 5 PM.

The Corresponding services of Akai Chennai service center are Akai Authorized service center in Chennai and Akai Chennai customer care number.

Akai Chennai Address

The address of Akai Chennai is No 827/1, Dhun Building, Ground Floor, Anna Salai, Mount Road, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Akai Chennai Email Address

The email address of Akai Chennai is wecare@gbes.asia.

Akai Chennai Website

The Website of Akai Chennai is www.akai-india.net.

Akai Chennai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Akai Chennai is 044-28520979, 9840396962 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Akai Chennai Service Center and Akai Chennai customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Akai Chennai customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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