Akai Mumbai Contact, Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Akai Mumbai Contact, is 1860-180-2524, 1800-419-4040 .
Akai is a Japan based consumer Electronic products manufacturing company that was started by Masukichi Akai and Saburo Akai in the year 1929 under the name Akai Electric Company Limited in Tokyo, Japan. It has its headquarters in Singapore and owned by Grande Holdings since 1999.

The company provides broad range of electronic products such as Air Conditioners, Air Purifiers, Chest Freezers, Heaters, Ice Makers, Microwave Ovens, Refrigerators, Showcases, Vacuum Cleaners, Washing machines, Water Dispensers, Wine cellars, Stereo Rack Systems, Mini Audio Systems, Micro Music Players and many others. Akai has many authorized dealers and service centers in different areas to serve the customers. The company also established its division in 1984 named as Akai Professional to manufacture and sell the electronic instruments. Akai also helps to re-brand the electronic products which are assembled by the other companies.

Akai products are also provides in many countries with different names such as Tensai and Transonic Strato in Western Europe, Roberts in the United States, A and D in Japan and others. The company introduced its VCR with the feature of on-screen display under the name Akai VS-2 in the year 1980.

The Corresponding services of Akai Mumbai service center are Akai Authorized service center in Mumbai and Akai service center contact number.

Akai Mumbai Contact, Address

The address of Akai Mumbai Contact, is Municpal shopping Mall, Shop-122, 1st Floor, Bhaji Market, As Panhale Road, Panvel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Akai Mumbai Contact, Email Address

The email address of Akai Mumbai Contact, is eab.masterservices@gmail.com.

Akai Mumbai Contact, Website

The Website of Akai Mumbai Contact, is www.akai-india.net.

Akai Mumbai Contact, Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Akai Mumbai Contact, is 1860-180-2524, 1800-419-4040 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Akai Mumbai Contact, Service Center and Akai Mumbai Contact, customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Akai Mumbai Contact, customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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