Alliance and Leicester, Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Alliance and Leicester, is +44-844-800-9000 .
Alliance and Leicester officially known as Alliance and Leicester Plc., was a financial and banking service provider company, based in the United Kingdom. It was established by the combining of the Alliance Building Society with the Leicester Building Society on 1st of October, 1985. The business sectors, in which Alliance and Leicester dealt, were personal banking, treasury, mortgage lending and investments, and commercial banking. It was acquired by Santander UK in May 2010. The bank ceased operations in 2011. The headquarters of the company is situated in Nar borough, Leicestershire, United Kingdom. The parent company of Alliance & Leicester was Santander Group.


The portfolio of the company consists of several different services and solutions including Current accounts, Credit cards, Insurance, Loans, Mortgages and Savings and ISAs. The company offers online and Mobile banking facilities to the customers.


Alliance and Leicester was purchased by Santander Group in 2008 and has started to provide financial products and solutions under the name of Santander UK Plc. in 2010. The company was completely changed to Santander brand by the end of 2011. However, its international branch in Douglas had used Alliance and Leicester brand name until May, 2013. Originally, the company had divided business into four categories including mortgage lending personal banking, treasury and commercial banking. Currently, Santander provides wide range of services in country. The bank was also registered on the London Stock Exchange for public trading in the year 1997. It was also the constituent of the FTSE 250 Index and the FTSE 100 Index.

Contact Details

For any other details or query related information about Alliance and Leicester call the customer service numbers:
Account Inquiries: 08459 724 724, 0845 609 0014.
Fraud Complaints: 0845 602 1582.

Alliance and Leicester, Address

The address of Alliance and Leicester, is 11 Above Bar Street, Southampton, United Kingdom.

Alliance and Leicester, Website

The Website of Alliance and Leicester, is

Alliance and Leicester, Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Alliance and Leicester, is +44-844-800-9000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Alliance and Leicester, Service Center and Alliance and Leicester, customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Alliance and Leicester, customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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