Apollo Hospital Ludhiana Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Apollo Hospital Ludhiana is +910161 661 7111 .
The Apollo Hospital Ludhiana was commissioned in March 2005 with only sixty five beds. At present, the hospital has expanded as multi-specialty hospital with more than 350 beds. The Apollo hospital mainly serves the particular needs of the people lived in north of India with top class services, expertise, devices and well-organized medical care system. The different facilities and equipments of the Apollo Hospital Ludhiana include: nine modular, zero-infection operation theaters, MRI, Whole body CT, top class Cath Lab and sixty five intensive care beds as well as also offered numerous Clinical Specialties.

Apollo Hospital Ludhiana Address

The address of Apollo Hospital Ludhiana is Grand Trunk Road, Dholewal, Ludhiana, Punjab 141003, India.

Apollo Hospital Ludhiana Website

The Website of Apollo Hospital Ludhiana is www.spsapollo.com.

Apollo Hospital Ludhiana Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Apollo Hospital Ludhiana is +910161 661 7111 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Apollo Hospital Ludhiana Service Center and Apollo Hospital Ludhiana customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Apollo Hospital Ludhiana customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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