Art Center College of Design Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Art Center College of Design is (626) 396-2200 .
Art center college of design is a California based design school founded in 1930. Art center college of design is a one of the 60 best design schools of world. The college came into the existence in 1930 imparting education to approximately 20,000 students. The college is situated in Pasadena, CA, United States. The college runs its course using its two campuses: Hillside Campus, and South Campus. Hillside campus was designed by Craig Ellwood, which is spread over an area of about 175 acres in Hill above Pasadena. Coming to its second campus, which was opened in 2007. The campus houses the graduate Fine Art and the Media Design programs and studios, exhibition center. The address and contact number of Art Center College of Design is also used for Art Center College of Design student store, Art Center College of Design south Main campus, Art Center College of Design phone number, Art Center student store, Art Center student store hours, Art Center human resources, Art Center copy center and Art Center at night south campus.

Art Center College of Design Address

The address of Art Center College of Design is 1700 Lida St, Pasadena, CA 91103, USA.

Art Center College of Design Email Address

The email address of Art Center College of Design is

Art Center College of Design Website

The Website of Art Center College of Design is

Art Center College of Design Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Art Center College of Design is (626) 396-2200 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Art Center College of Design Service Center and Art Center College of Design customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Art Center College of Design customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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