Bangalore Institute of Oncology Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Bangalore Institute of Oncology is 080 40206400 .
Bangalore Institute of Oncology is briefly known as BIO. It is situated on Lalbagh Double Road, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. It is a public cancer hospital which was the first private cancer hospital in Bangalore. The hospital was opened in the year 1989 as part of the Banashankari Medical and Oncology Research Center Limited (BMORC). With the development of hospital, it became a public limited hospital in the year 1992. There are more than 80 beds in the hospital. Bangalore Institute of Oncology provides various medical facilities regarding Radiology, Gyanec Oncology, Onsite Ancillary services, IMRT, Physiotherapy, Medical Oncology, Pharmacy and many more. It provides health information by different seminars and events for the public free of expense. The hospital is managed by Banashankari Medical and Oncology Research Center Limited. It has 30 consultant physicians and over 151 other staff members. The address and contact number of Bangalore Institute of Oncology is also used for Bangalore Institute of Oncology review, Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore Institute of Oncology double roadBangalore Institute of Oncology speciality centre.

Fax Number of the hospital: 080-22483380.

Bangalore Institute of Oncology Address

The address of Bangalore Institute of Oncology is 44-45/2, 2nd Cross, Raja Rammohan Roy Extension, Office Lalbagh Double Road, Bangalore - 560027, Karnataka, India.

Bangalore Institute of Oncology Website

The Website of Bangalore Institute of Oncology is

Bangalore Institute of Oncology Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bangalore Institute of Oncology is 080 40206400 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bangalore Institute of Oncology Service Center and Bangalore Institute of Oncology customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Bangalore Institute of Oncology customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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