Biostar Motherboard Mumbai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Biostar Motherboard Mumbai is +91-22-67338230, Fax No: +91-22-28581997 .
Sagar Enterprises is a dealer and service center in Andheri East, Mumbai. The Sagar Enterprises is specialized in HP, Dell, HCL, Asus, LG and Sony computers, laptops and scanners; Hikvision, Sony, Dahua, Commax, LG and Canon CCTV cameras. Beside this, Sagar Enterprises has repair experience in Asus, MSI and Biostar motherboards.

Biostar is fully registered as Biostar Microtech International Corp in the world's Computer hardware industry. The main purpose of Biostar is to manufacturer and sale a wide range of motherboards for both desktop computers and laptops. In addition to motherboards, Biostar is renowned for video cards, barebone computers and industrial PCs.

Biostar Microtech International Corp has been operating in computer hardware sector since 1986. The company commenced its operation with the making of XT form factor mainboards and later with cards, Biostar expanded its business in computer market. During 1999, Biostar became an ISO 9001 certified company and it was also listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange. The headquarters of Biostar is operated in New Taipei City, Taiwan. The company has network across the world through its five regional headquarters located in Taiwan, Netherlands, China, Latin America and the United States. The Corresponding services of Biostar Motherboard Mumbai service center are Biostar Motherboard service center contact number and Biostar Motherboard warranty.

Biostar Motherboard Mumbai Address

The address of Biostar Motherboard Mumbai is Sagar Enterprises, Zo Saptara Chs, Near Solaris Ind., Opposite Lake Bloom Residency, Shiv Shakti Nagar, Saki Vihar Road, Andheri East, Mumbai 400072, Maharashtra, India.

Biostar Motherboard Mumbai Website

The Website of Biostar Motherboard Mumbai is

Biostar Motherboard Mumbai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Biostar Motherboard Mumbai is +91-22-67338230, Fax No: +91-22-28581997 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Biostar Motherboard Mumbai Service Center and Biostar Motherboard Mumbai customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Biostar Motherboard Mumbai customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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