Camp Grayling Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Camp Grayling is (306) 439-4944 .
Camp Grayling was founded in 1913 as the training facility for the National Guard. First troop training was setup in the Camp in 1914. This camp is home for Grayling Army Airfield with Complete runway and helipads. This airfield owns approximately 70 helicopters and also has capability to handle giant aircrafts of the army such as C-130 and C-17 aircraft. The camp serves more than 20,000 soldiers of National Guard Units. Coming to facilities, this camp provides better Environment for river fishing which is located at the distance of just 200 yards. There is also Riou Lake Outpost that is self guided camp for seven days. Lodging remains the major need of any camp, and Camp Grayling understands it gravely. Many cabins are built inside the camp that offer the facility of single and double bed with bathroom facility. Food is provided in buffet style, and there is also the facility of lounge that is equipped with all basic facilities such as internet, T.V. etc. The address and contact number of Camp Grayling is also used for Camp Grayling news, Camp Grayling mi weather, Camp Grayling officers club, Camp Grayling military base and Camp Grayling concentration camp.

Fax Number:(306) 439-2178
For booking call on 1-866-455-4488

Camp Grayling Address

The address of Camp Grayling is Grayling Township, MI, United States.

Camp Grayling Email Address

The email address of Camp Grayling is

Camp Grayling Website

The Website of Camp Grayling is

Camp Grayling Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Camp Grayling is (306) 439-4944 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Camp Grayling Service Center and Camp Grayling customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Camp Grayling customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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