Camp San Luis Obispo Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Camp San Luis Obispo is (805)5946500, (805) 5946524 .
Camp San Luis Obispo is the military base of the California Army National Guard. It was founded in 1928. The Camp was built in 1928 as Camp Merriam and was used as the Infantry Division Camp and Cantonment Area by Us Army during World War II. It is situated in an area of 15,433 acres. It also houses the California Military Academy regarding the training of members of California and other Western state National Guard units. The other building located in the premises of Camp San Luis Obispo is Conservation Corps State Museum for displaying the objects related to Civilian Conservation Corps. The address and contact number of Camp San Luis Obispo is also used for Camp San Luis Obispo jobs, Camp San Luis Obispo range control, Camp San Luis Obispo officers club, Camp San Luis Obispo museum and Camp San Luis Obispo map.

Camp San Luis Obispo Address

The address of Camp San Luis Obispo is 10 Sonoma Avenue, San Luis Obispo, California, USA.

Camp San Luis Obispo Website

The Website of Camp San Luis Obispo is

Camp San Luis Obispo Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Camp San Luis Obispo is (805)5946500, (805) 5946524 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Camp San Luis Obispo Service Center and Camp San Luis Obispo customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Camp San Luis Obispo customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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