Canon Riyadh Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Canon Riyadh is 920001020 .
Canon is an electronics company based in Japan that was originated on August, 10, 1937 having headquarters in Ota, Tokyo, Japan. From 1937 to 1947, the company was working as Optical Industry Company Limited, and in 1947, the company was became as Canon Camera Co., Inc and became its shortened name in Canon Inc in the year 1969. El Ajou Group Trading Company is an authorized service center of Canon which is specialized in the repairing of the following products like- Calculator, InkJet printers, Laser Printer, InkJet fax, Laser Fax, Scanner, Projector and Personal Copiers. The company was began its campaign in the year 1958 by Sheikh Abdul Ghani which is the chairman of this company. The company is engaged in the providing of its service for both public and private areas with the help of over 1000 professional workers. In 2006, the company had been certified by ISO 9001:2000, and also awarded as partnership with Multi-national companies who are working in the field of archiving, audio visuals, office equipment, business solutions and Medical equipments. The Corresponding services of Canon Riyadh service center are Canon Camera service center in Riyadh and El Ajou Canon Riyadh. To know more info about this company, visit on official website.

Canon Riyadh Address

The address of Canon Riyadh is Prince Thamer St., Hai Al-Malaz, P.O. Box 78, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Canon Riyadh Email Address

The email address of Canon Riyadh is

Canon Riyadh Website

The Website of Canon Riyadh is

Canon Riyadh Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Canon Riyadh is 920001020 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Canon Riyadh Service Center and Canon Riyadh customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Canon Riyadh customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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