City of Newport Ky Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of City of Newport Ky is +1 (859) 292-3687 .
City of Newport is a popular city in Campbell County, Kentucky state of the United States. The city had a population of 15,273 according to the Census held in the year 2010. It is known with the name of Sin City as the city contains a number of gambling casinos for the number game lovers. The city houses a number of restaurants and food joints. The city is having number of famous places to visit like Newport Aquarium, Corpus Christi Church, Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, World Peace Bell, Newport Southbank Bridge etc. The city is headed by a Mayor selected through an election conducted by the local government. The address and contact number of City of Newport Ky is also used for City of Newport Ky Police Reports, City of Newport Ky Property Taxes, City of Newport Ky Car Show, City of Newport Ky Housing Authority, City of Newport Ky Tax Forms, City of Newport Ky Zoning, City of Newport Ky Events and City of Newport Ky Renewal of Occupational License.

City of Newport Ky Address

The address of City of Newport Ky is 998 Monmouth Street, Newport, Kentucky 41071, United States.

City of Newport Ky Website

The Website of City of Newport Ky is

City of Newport Ky Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of City of Newport Ky is +1 (859) 292-3687 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of City of Newport Ky Service Center and City of Newport Ky customer phone number is given below. The helpline of City of Newport Ky customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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