College of Idaho Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of College of Idaho is +1 208-459-5011 .
The College of Idaho is a private co-educational institute based in Caldwell, Idaho, United States. The institute was established in the year 1891. It has a strength of 1,042 students enrolled and an admin staff of 282 staff for these students. The president of the institute is Marvin Henberg. The institute offers a wide range of courses in every field such as in Accounting, Art, Biology, Chemistry, Health Sciences, Philosophy, Spanish, Psychology, Music and Environmental Studies etc. The Students participate in various activities like Basketball, Cross country, Golf, Skiing, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis and Volleyball etc. The institute has sixteen departments. 'Rex Lex Dux Lux' is the motto of the institute. The address and contact number of College of Idaho is also used for College of Idaho Ranking, College of Idaho Reviews, College of Idaho Baseball and College of Idaho Athletics.

College of Idaho Address

The address of College of Idaho is 2112 Cleveland Blvd, Caldwell, Idaho 83605, United States.

College of Idaho Website

The Website of College of Idaho is

College of Idaho Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of College of Idaho is +1 208-459-5011 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of College of Idaho Service Center and College of Idaho customer phone number is given below. The helpline of College of Idaho customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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