DTDC Amritsar Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of DTDC Amritsar is 0183 501 2385 .
Dtdc Amritsar is a customer service office of Desk To Desk Courier Limited which is shortly baptized as DTDC. It has pickup locations based in almost every part of the country. DTDC Amritsar offers both domestic and international courier services at genuine charges. DTDC Amritsar was structured by Subhashish Chakraborty in the year 1990 and has about 250 service locations all over the country. The four main offices of DTDC Amritsar have been positioned in Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai.

DTDC Amritsar Address

The address of DTDC Amritsar is National Shopping Complex, Grand Trunk Rd, Hide Market, Ram Bagh, Amritsar, Punjab 143001.

DTDC Amritsar Email Address

The email address of DTDC Amritsar is support@dtdc.com, customersupport@dtdc.com.

DTDC Amritsar Website

The Website of DTDC Amritsar is http://www.dtdc.com.

DTDC Amritsar Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of DTDC Amritsar is 0183 501 2385 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of DTDC Amritsar Service Center and DTDC Amritsar customer phone number is given below. The helpline of DTDC Amritsar customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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