Dbm Malacanang Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Dbm Malacanang is +63-2-490-1000, 733-2993, 735-4874, 735-4872 .
DBM Malacanang is a government institution based in Philippines which is well known as the Department of Budget and Management. The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) is dedicated to make the overall resource application strategy to match macro-economic policy of government. It was built on 25th April, 1936 under the Executive Order No. 25. The primary Aim of the DBM is to developing the sound, efficient and effective management and utilization of government resources such as physical, technological, financial and manpower. The address and contact number of Dbm Malacanang is also used for Department of Budget and Management Employee Benefits Division, Department of Budget and Management Careers, Department of Budget and Management Directory and Department of Budget and Management Secretary.

Dbm Malacanang Address

The address of Dbm Malacanang is eneral Solano Street, San Miguel, Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines.

Dbm Malacanang Email Address

The email address of Dbm Malacanang is fbabad@dbm.gov.ph, mlr@dbm.gov.ph.

Dbm Malacanang Website

The Website of Dbm Malacanang is www.dbm.gov.ph.

Dbm Malacanang Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Dbm Malacanang is +63-2-490-1000, 733-2993, 735-4874, 735-4872 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Dbm Malacanang Service Center and Dbm Malacanang customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Dbm Malacanang customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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