Delta Dental of Kansas Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Delta Dental of Kansas is +1 67278-9769 .
Delta Dental of Kansas (DDKS) formed in 1972 is one of the biggest and well established not-for-profit dental services administrators in the state of Kansas. DDKS provide a group of dental benefits, offers various innovative and quality programs in a cost effective way. Delta Dental Service Corporation is based in Wichita, renders various dental related benefits to its 1 million customers in 105 counties in Kansas. The Company has initiated two major programs. The national network based programs are Delta Dental Premier and Delta Dental PPO. The first dental program checks on those dentists enrolled with them are not collecting exorbitant fees than the allowed standard fees. Delta Dental Premier prohibits the dentists in doing so. The second program makes sure the dentists who are members of the DDKS give away maximum discounts. The company focuses with a mission to educate the Kansans about the importance to have a good oral health. One such awareness program is educating the children about the necessity to have a good oral health. To spread the awareness among the small children Delta Dental of Kansas has introduced various attractive techniques. Using various educational tools, fun activities, games Delta Dental of Kansas teaches the kids to fight the germs and bring out good smiles on their faces. Wichita Chamber of Commerce “Over the Years Award” in 2011, Kansas Center for Performance Excellence’s Kansas Award in 2009, Association of Fundraising Professionals Outstanding Corporation Foundation Award in 2007 are a few among them. Delta Dental of Kansas has formed a non-profitable charitable foundation in the year 2003.The foundation inspires the citizens of Kansas State to “Think Big” for a better oral health. Foundation has provided $4,857,000 grants after it has formed. Karen Kinstad is currently the Executive Director of the Company. Delta Dental of Kansas has a sales office in Overland Park.

Delta Dental of Kansas Address

The address of Delta Dental of Kansas is 1619, N. Waterfront Parkway,P.O. Box 789769, Wichita, KS, Kansas, USA.

Delta Dental of Kansas Email Address

The email address of Delta Dental of Kansas is

Delta Dental of Kansas Website

The Website of Delta Dental of Kansas is

Delta Dental of Kansas Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Delta Dental of Kansas is +1 67278-9769 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Delta Dental of Kansas Service Center and Delta Dental of Kansas customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Delta Dental of Kansas customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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