Dhenkanal Law College Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Dhenkanal Law College is 06762 228 733, +91 9439 40 8699 .
Dhenkanal Law College is the premier law institute based in India. It was opened in 1981. The law college is affiliated to Utkal University. It provides an extensive range of courses regarding Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, Labour and Employment law, Civil Procedure, Criminal Law, Banking Law, Public Interest Litigation and constitutional law. All the courses are approved by National Assessment and Accreditation Council. Dhenkanal Law College offers the facilities of library, internet, classrooms equipped with Audio and visual equipment, conference hall, moot court and more.
Fax Number:+91-6762-228733.
The address and contact number of Dhenkanal Law College is also used for Dhenkanal Map, Dhenkanal Law College Admission and Dhenkanal Law College Courses.

Dhenkanal Law College Address

The address of Dhenkanal Law College is 8, Station Bazar, Dhenkanal Rs, Station Bazar, Dhenkanal, OD 759013, Orissa, India.

Dhenkanal Law College Email Address

The email address of Dhenkanal Law College is dhenkanallawcollege@gmail.com.

Dhenkanal Law College Website

The Website of Dhenkanal Law College is www.dhenkanallawcollege.com.

Dhenkanal Law College Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Dhenkanal Law College is 06762 228 733, +91 9439 40 8699 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Dhenkanal Law College Service Center and Dhenkanal Law College customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Dhenkanal Law College customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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