East Towne Mall Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of East Towne Mall is +1 608-244-1387 .
East towne mall resides in Madison, Wisconsin, is a famous shopping mall developed by Jacobs, Visconsi, and Jacobs Co under Cleveland, Ohio. The shopping mall is owned by CBL Properties and having 115 stores and 7 anchor tenants, comprising food court, Barnes & Noble store, movie theater etc. Inside the mall, a three level pool is incorporated along with waterfalls, Fountains as well as Flashing lights which make it to appear very astonishing. The parking area is quite wide covering almost 2,100,000 square feet and can manage up to 6,000 cars. The mall is look like the west town which is also developed by the same developer.

East Towne Mall Address

The address of East Towne Mall is 89 East Towne Mall, Madison, Wisconsin 53704, United States.

East Towne Mall Website

The Website of East Towne Mall is www.shopeasttowne-mall.com.

East Towne Mall Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of East Towne Mall is +1 608-244-1387 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of East Towne Mall Service Center and East Towne Mall customer phone number is given below. The helpline of East Towne Mall customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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