Epf Office Bathinda Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Epf Office Bathinda is +91-164 2212996 / 2240427 .
EPF Office Bhatinda is a governmental body which works under the government of India. It is a social security organization which helps people to save money. People can save Money using this service. One can give any amount of money towards Epf from his salary and get it at the end of his service from the company or after the retirement with a rate of interest charged every year on that much money. The organization is having its offices in almost every City of India so that one can register easily. The address and contact number of Epf Office Bathinda is also used for Epf office Laxmi nagar, Epf office contact number, Epf office timings, Epf office Kukatpally, Epf office Wazirpur and Epf office phone number.

Epf Office Bathinda Address

The address of Epf Office Bathinda is Bhavishaya Nidhi Bhawan, Urban Estate Phase-I, Near TV Tower, Bathinda – 151 001, Punjab, India.

Epf Office Bathinda Email Address

The email address of Epf Office Bathinda is sro.bhatinda@epfindia.gov.in.

Epf Office Bathinda Website

The Website of Epf Office Bathinda is www.epfindia.gov.in.

Epf Office Bathinda Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Epf Office Bathinda is +91-164 2212996 / 2240427 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Epf Office Bathinda Service Center and Epf Office Bathinda customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Epf Office Bathinda customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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