Eppendorf New York Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Eppendorf New York is +1 516-334-7500 .
Eppendorf is a private life science company which provides various types of equipments related to biotechnology. It was formed in the year of 1945 in Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany. Eppendorf is a worldwide company which is a provider of Manual and Automatic Pipettes, Centrifuges, Liquid mixing, heating and cooling, Consumables, Microarrays, Photometry and Cell Technology.
It has owns its twelve subsidiaries namely Eppendorf AG, Eppendorf North America, Eppendorf United Kingdom, Eppendorf Italia, Eppendorf Iberica, Eppendorf Nordic, Eppendorf China, Eppendorf India, Eppendorf South Asia, Eppendorf Japan, Eppendorf South America and Eppendorf South Pacific. Eppendorf has approximately 2,600 employees across the world. It has multiple service centers in the world, One of them is situated on Cantiague Rock Road, Westbury, New York, United States.

Eppendorf New York Address

The address of Eppendorf New York is 607 Cantiague Rock Road, Westbury, NY 11590, New York, United States.

Eppendorf New York Email Address

The email address of Eppendorf New York is service@eppendorf.com.

Eppendorf New York Website

The Website of Eppendorf New York is www.eppendorf.com.

Eppendorf New York Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Eppendorf New York is +1 516-334-7500 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Eppendorf New York Service Center and Eppendorf New York customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Eppendorf New York customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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