Fairmont Empress Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Fairmont Empress is +2503848111, Fax +2503814334 .
Fairmont Empress is one of the oldest and most renowned Hotel in Canada. The hotel is managed by the Fairmont Hotels and Resorts and owned by the Ivanhoe Cambridge. The hotel has very well furnished rooms, suites and specially made president suites for the celebrities and famous personalities. The hotel has many facilities such as swimming pool, whirlpool bath and Spa etc. The hotel was opened in the year 1908 and later on renovated with new 4 restaurants inside the hotel. The address and contact number of Fairmont Empress is also used for Fairmont Empress jobs, Fairmont Empress high tea, Fairmont Empress Spa, Fairmont Empress parking, Fairmont Empress sold, Fairmont Empress Hotel gift shop, Fairmont Empress careers and Fairmont Empress Bengal Lounge.

Fairmont Empress Address

The address of Fairmont Empress is 721 Government Street, Victoria, British Columbia, V8W 1W5, Canada.

Fairmont Empress Website

The Website of Fairmont Empress is www.fairmont.com.

Fairmont Empress Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Fairmont Empress is +2503848111, Fax +2503814334 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Fairmont Empress Service Center and Fairmont Empress customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Fairmont Empress customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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