Federal Mogul Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Federal Mogul is +1 248-354-7700, + 1.800.325.8886 .
Federal-Mogul Corporation is US based Automotive provider company. It designs, manufacturers and provides technology to enhance Fuel economy and enhance vehicle safety. It provides the components of automotive, aerospace, rail and other vehicles; and industrial, agricultural equipments. Federal-Mogul provides the spare parts of engine in the country such as engine bearings, piston pins, cylinder liners, transmission products, connecting rods and other. Moreover, the company develops and provides more than twenty brands in the market such as ANCO wiper blades, Champion spark plugs, Fel-Pro, etc. The address and contact number of Federal Mogul is also used for Federal Mogul careers, Federal Mogul goetze, Federal Mogul ecat, Federal Mogul bearings and Federal Mogul pistons.

Federal Mogul Address

The address of Federal Mogul is 26555 Northwestern Highway, Southfield, Michigan 48033, United States.

Federal Mogul Website

The Website of Federal Mogul is www.federalmogul.com.

Federal Mogul Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Federal Mogul is +1 248-354-7700, + 1.800.325.8886 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Federal Mogul Service Center and Federal Mogul customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Federal Mogul customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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