Freshersworld Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Freshersworld is +91-080-56958266 .
The Freshers World is World of the Job seekers and skilled professionals working with a strong coverage of 35 million Fresher and experience holder candidates resumes which are increasing by 90 thousand per month rate. This is a job search portal ranked as top 300 websites by the Alexa ratings and it has 250000 users every day basis. The main purpose of this site is to generate more employment opportunities which is become as a necessary lifeline of the professionals. It is India's foremost site providing maximum job opportunities for freshers. The company is engaged in providing the Dream jobs to the candidates and their efforts easy, better and faster. It is a Core company of the Cassius Technologies company and being setup in 2006 and certified by the Companies Act, 1956. The address and contact number of Freshersworld is also used for Freshersworld registration, Freshersworld jobs, Freshersworld placement papers, papers interview tips Freshersworld, Freshersworld scholarship, papers selection procedures Freshersworld and Freshersworld tcs placement papers.

Freshersworld Address

The address of Freshersworld is 28th Main 5-1 Hsr Layout H-626, 12Th Cross, Bangalore-560102, Karnataka, India.

Freshersworld Email Address

The email address of Freshersworld is

Freshersworld Website

The Website of Freshersworld is

Freshersworld Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Freshersworld is +91-080-56958266 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Freshersworld Service Center and Freshersworld customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Freshersworld customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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