Golden Mile Tower Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Golden Mile Tower is +65 6293 1364 .
Golden Mile Complex is a high rise industrial and housing construction on Beach Road in Kallang. The complex was previously called Woh Hup Complex and has 411 shops and 500 parking places. The complex was developed by Gan Eng Oon, William Lim and Tay Kheng Soon of Design Partnership currently referred to as DP Architects. Located on 1.3 hectares and designed to a height of 292 feet, the Complex is an exceptional kind of megastructure defined by architectural historian, Reyner Banham. It is among the couple of that have been generally noticed in the globe. The complex efficiently develops high-density utilization and variety under a wide range of concepts innovative by the Japanese Metabolist Movement of the 1960s. The address and contact number of Golden Mile Tower is also used for Golden Mile Tower Cinema, Golden Mile Tower Theatre, Golden Mile Tower Bus, Golden Mile Tower Parking, Golden Mile Tower Food and Golden Mile Tower Iphone Repair.

Golden Mile Tower Address

The address of Golden Mile Tower is 6001 Beach Road, Singapore 199589.

Golden Mile Tower Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Golden Mile Tower is +65 6293 1364 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Golden Mile Tower Service Center and Golden Mile Tower customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Golden Mile Tower customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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