Green Haven Correctional Facility Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Green Haven Correctional Facility is +1 (845) 221-4898 .
Green Haven Correctional Facility is a famous prison based in Stormville, New York. It was originally a Federal Prison and presently houses maximum security inmates having relations and talks to Mafias and mobs. This prison is used for New York's death row during the time the state briefly had the death penalty but it never used it in that era. The prison is also known as " Junior Gladiators School ". John Gotti, Nicky Barnes, Joey Gallo and John Giuca are some of the notable prisoners in the prison. The address and contact number of Green Haven Correctional Facility is also used for Green Haven Correctional Facility Lockdown, Green Haven Correctional Facility Inmate Search, Green Haven Correctional Facility Superintendent, Green Haven Correctional Facility Visiting Hours, Green Haven Correctional Facility News and Green Haven Correctional Facility Stormville.

Green Haven Correctional Facility Address

The address of Green Haven Correctional Facility is 594 Route 216, Stormville, New York 12582, United States.

Green Haven Correctional Facility Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Green Haven Correctional Facility is +1 (845) 221-4898 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Green Haven Correctional Facility Service Center and Green Haven Correctional Facility customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Green Haven Correctional Facility customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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