Gujarati Samaj in Madurai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Gujarati Samaj in Madurai is 098 43 253650 .
Gujarati Samaj currently has total sixty two families. The first president in Guajarati Samaj was Sri Gangji Kunvarji Vora in the year 1978 to 1985 and the secretary was Sri Hirji Dharod. Currently Smt. Bharti Kishore Sangoi is the president of the Gujarati Samaj and Smt. Kiran Ashok is the secretary.

The Guajarati Samaj has their official website also. The main Aim of the Samaj is to give whatever in Little way, to the city of Madurai. It was also feel that the exceptional culture of Gujarati must be shown in the Samaj.

Gujarati Samaj in Madurai Address

The address of Gujarati Samaj in Madurai is Madurai Junction, Southern Railway Colony, Madurai, Tamil Nadu 625001, India.

Gujarati Samaj in Madurai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Gujarati Samaj in Madurai is 098 43 253650 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Gujarati Samaj in Madurai Service Center and Gujarati Samaj in Madurai customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Gujarati Samaj in Madurai customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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