Hotel Karl Residency Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Hotel Karl Residency is +91 22 4236 21 21 .
The Hotel Karl Residency isb situated in Andheri West. Visitors can pay for the hotel facilities with Credit Card, Debit Card or Net Banking. It is 6 km from International Airport. 3km from Domestic Airport. It has 54 air-conditioned rooms. Features of all rooms are, LCD TV, Electronic Safe, 24 hours room service, Drop down 3rd bed in some room, Coffee And Tea Maker, Iron. In dinning they offers Daily chargable breakfast, dinner, lunch, Evening Restaurant and Bar (multi cusine), Private dining room.Hotel offers Banquet Hall and Confrence Rooms. The address and contact number of Hotel Karl Residency is also used for hotel Grace residency, Karl Residency address, Karl Residency banquet, Karl Residency lallubhai park and Karl Residency restaurant.
Check-In Time - 12:00 hours, Check-Out Time 12: 00 hours, Fax No. : +91 22 4236 21 01

Hotel Karl Residency Address

The address of Hotel Karl Residency is 36, Lallubhai Park Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 400 058.

Hotel Karl Residency Email Address

The email address of Hotel Karl Residency is

Hotel Karl Residency Website

The Website of Hotel Karl Residency is

Hotel Karl Residency Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Hotel Karl Residency is +91 22 4236 21 21 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Hotel Karl Residency Service Center and Hotel Karl Residency customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Hotel Karl Residency customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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