Htc Chennai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Htc Chennai is 044-26192991 .
HTC is abbreviated as High-Tech Computer Corporation. Htc Corporation is the leading telecommunications company that was established in the year 1997. It is a part of VIA Group. VIA Group is the largest Taiwanese manufacturing company of Computer hardware. HTC Corporation has its head office situated in Taouan City, Taiwan, China. Cher Wang is the chairwoman and Peter Chou is the CEO and President of the company. Beats Electronics, S3 Graphics, Dashwire, Zoodles and Saffron Digital are the subsidiaries of HTC Corporation. It has latest Smartphone models are HTC One, HTC Butterfly and Htc One X +. HTC Corporation is also a member of the Open Handset Alliance.

The company has several authorized service center in India. It has a research and development office in Durham, North Carolina. It is a public corporation that was founded in 1997 and serves its services across all over the world. HTC is a telecommunication industry that offers and manufactures the services of mobile phones, touchscreen phones and PDAs. The Corporation initiated its business by designing, manufacturing the original equipment such as notebook computers and provides best quality of products to the people.

High-Tech Computer Corporation also offers the Windows Mobile operating system for the customers. As of 2013 the corporation has total revenue of $6.75 billion USD. HTC Corporation also provides the sports sponsorship to HTC-Highroad cycling team and UEFA Champions Team and UEFA Europa Team. A Burmese language on-screen keyboard was designed and developed by the HTC Corporation and introduced its phone in Burma on January 14, 2013. T-Mobile G1 or Era G1 was the first phone that was based on Android platform that was developed by the HTC Dream. The Corporation is appreciated for producing the first Android smartphone in 2002 and in 2005 the first Microsoft 3G phone.

The Corresponding services of Htc Chennai service center are Htc Mobile service Chennai, Htc Chennai authorized service center, Htc Chennai customer care and Htc Chennai showroom.

Htc Chennai Address

The address of Htc Chennai is Number 177 New No 3 Y-Block 1ST Floor, Near Ayappan Temple, 1ST Street, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600040, India.

Htc Chennai Website

The Website of Htc Chennai is

Htc Chennai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Htc Chennai is 044-26192991 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Htc Chennai Service Center and Htc Chennai customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Htc Chennai customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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