Iba Karachi Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Iba Karachi is +92-21-111-422422 .
The full form of Iba is The Institute of Business Administration. It is a worldwide acclamied, Business School in Karachi. It is one of the best company and IT institutions in Karachi. It was established in 1955 in collaboration with the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. The Institution of Company Administration signed up with a group of seven other top business schools in Southern Japan, six from Indian and Lums from Karachi, when it was granted the popular qualifications by the Southern Oriental Quality Guarantee System, in 2011.The IBA provided post-graduate applications only for day students.IBA has also started its Entrepreneurship Development Program together with Sindh Panel of Financial commitment. The address and contact number of Iba Karachi is also used for Iba karachi admissions, Iba admission, Iba Karachi fee structure, Iba Karachi world ranking, Iba sukkur, Iba Karachi ranking and Iba Karachi faculty.

Iba Karachi Address

The address of Iba Karachi is KU Circular Road, Karachi, Pakistan, Pin Code 75270.

Iba Karachi Email Address

The email address of Iba Karachi is webmaster@iba.org.in.

Iba Karachi Website

The Website of Iba Karachi is www.iba.edu.pk.

Iba Karachi Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Iba Karachi is +92-21-111-422422 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Iba Karachi Service Center and Iba Karachi customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Iba Karachi customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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