Iball Borivali Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Iball Borivali is +91-22-28079002 .
iBall, which starts as a manufacturer of single key product, mouse in 2001. After making its name with this single product across the India, the company introduced continually 27 products in different categories. Iball is one of the most innovative and fastest growing brands in electronics and computing industries. Its products are: keyboard, mice, CPU Cabinet, webcam, Computer speaker, headphone, microphone, MP3 Player, LCD Monitor, USB Flash Drive, Pen Drive, barcode scanner. In 2010, iBall was entered in the mobile industry, and after that, in the era of Tablet PCs and MIDs. D R Telecom is a local dealer and service center of mobile phones, which accepts cell phones of several brands like iBall, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Nokia and such other brands.

Iball Borivali Address

The address of Iball Borivali is Shop No 5/6 & 7, Radheshyam Commercial Complex, Opp. Gokul Shopping Centre, Datta Pada Road, Borivali West, Mumbai-400092, Maharashtra, India.

Iball Borivali Website

The Website of Iball Borivali is www.iball.co.in.

Iball Borivali Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Iball Borivali is +91-22-28079002 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Iball Borivali Service Center and Iball Borivali customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Iball Borivali customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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