Iball Slide Hubli Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Iball Slide Hubli is +91-836-4265525, 2272802, +91-9686451638 .
iBall Slide Hubli service center is operated in Vidya Nagar, Hubli. Iball Slide Hubli service center along with slide tablets also provides repairs and services for other Computer hardware and electronics products. iBall Slide by iBall company is a computing device available in markets in several models in Edu-Slide and performance series. Besides its line of slide tablets, the iBall company is also best known for its affordable range of technology accessories such as mouse, keyboards, desksets, home and computer speakers, 3G USB modems, PC cabinets, SMPS, headsets, microphones, cameras, TV tuners, monitors, pen drives, pen tablets, USB hubs, barcode scanners, portable scanners, memory card readers and flash cards. iBall Company is privately held company operated across India. iBall was founded in 2001, and is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. As of 2009-10 Financial Year, iBall had revenues of Rs 300 Crore. iBall has established more than 125 self-owned service centers in the nation.

Iball Slide Hubli Address

The address of Iball Slide Hubli is Shree Daneshwari Nilaya, Prashant Colony, Vidya Nagar, Hubli 580021, Karnataka, India.

Iball Slide Hubli Email Address

The email address of Iball Slide Hubli is rma.hubli@iball.co.in.

Iball Slide Hubli Website

The Website of Iball Slide Hubli is www.iball.co.in.

Iball Slide Hubli Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Iball Slide Hubli is +91-836-4265525, 2272802, +91-9686451638 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Iball Slide Hubli Service Center and Iball Slide Hubli customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Iball Slide Hubli customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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