Ibm Chennai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ibm Chennai is 044-43952078, 2028 .
In 1911, Charles Ranlett Flint set up a new company Computing Tabulating Recording(C-T-R) to provide computer hardware, software, IT consulting and services for the people of USA. But Today, the company is providing its products and services in all over the world. In 1924, CRT's CEO Watson decided to change company name, and the name has been changed into International Business Machines or IBM. Since the 1911, Its employees has won five Nobel Prizes, six Turing Awards, ten National Medals of Technology, and five National Medals of Science. The Corresponding services of Ibm Chennai service center are Ibm Laptop service center in Chennai and Ibm server service center in Chennai, For more details about company, nearest service center and hardware, software related technical help, call on Toll Free Number of IBM, and the number is: 1-800-425-6666. IBM has one of its service center in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Fax No: 044-24661712.

Ibm Chennai Address

The address of Ibm Chennai is IBM Towers, No. 222, TTK Road, Alwarpet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Ibm Chennai Website

The Website of Ibm Chennai is

Ibm Chennai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ibm Chennai is 044-43952078, 2028 (Click phone number to call).

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